The difference between 8 times of a number and 3 times of the number is 105. What is the number? List the equation and find the solution of the equation

The difference between 8 times of a number and 3 times of the number is 105. What is the number? List the equation and find the solution of the equation


8 times of a number minus the product of 4 times 1.2, the difference is 0, find the number (determinant equation)
All of you just give answers

Let this number be X
This number is 0.6

Eight divided by two-thirds x = four fifths equation!

Eight divided by two thirds x = four fifths

1. 8 / 5 divided by (x-0.45) = 16 / 3 2. 7 / 8 - 2x = 1 / 5 3.7x-5 times (6-x) = 30

1 8 / 5 △ (x-0.45) = 16 / 3, then x-0.45 = 8 / 5 △ 16 / 3 = 8 / 5 * 3 / 16 = 3 / 10 = 0.3, so x = 0.3 + 0.45 = 0.752 7 / 8-2x = 1 / 5, then 2x = 7 / 8-1 / 5 = 27 / 40, so x = 27 / 40 △ 2 = 27 / 803 7x-5 * (6-x) = 30, that is 7x-30

Solving inequality 3x (x2-4) > 3x3-4

x< 1/3

The area of the circle in the figure is 314 square centimeters, so we can find the area of the square

Cut square at circle s = 400 314x4 / π = 400
Inscribed square s = 400 / 2 = 200

Given that a △ 4 / 5 = B × 6 / 7 = C × 4 / 9 = D × 8 / 8, and ABCD can be equal to 0, then the size relationship of ABCD is
It is known that a △ 4 / 5 = B × 6 / 7 = C × 4 / 9 = D × 8 / 8, and ABCD is bu
If it is equal to 0, what is the relationship between the four numbers ABCD

When a, B, C and D are not equal
As long as one is 0, they are equal

By solving the system of equations 3x + y = 10m, 3x-2y = 7m about X and y, we get the following results?

Solving the equations of X, y 3x + y = 10m, 3x-2y = 7M
Subtraction of two formulas
So y = M
The results of the substitution equation

It is known that the radius of the sector is 9 cm, the central angle is 20 degrees, and the area of the sector is ()

It is known that the radius of the sector is 9 cm and the central angle is 20 degrees. The area of this sector is (14.13 square cm)

Formula of the number of items in arithmetic sequence

Examples: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
First item: 1 last item: 9 tolerance: 2 number of items: 5
Summation of arithmetic sequence: (first term + last term) * number of terms / 2
Number of terms: (last first) / tolerance + 1
First term: last term - tolerance * (number of terms - 1)
Find the last item: first item + tolerance * (number of items - 1)
Tolerance: (last item first item) / (number of items - 1)
According to this formula, we can get the answer of arithmetic sequence!