What is LIM (x → 0) 2x + △ x? Why?

What is LIM (x → 0) 2x + △ x? Why?

If △ x is defined as a small increment of X, then lim2x + △ x = 0
If △ X represents the general quantity, then lim2x + △ x = △ X

Fill in the missing terms of the following polynomials and arrange them in ascending order of X
(1) The fourth power of - X - 3 / 2 (2) - 1 / 2 times the square of X + the fifth power of 0.2x - 0.3 times the fourth power of X - 3 / 10

Write clearly, I can't understand

It is calculated by simple method
What's the number?

5 of 8 and 7 + 3 of 8 and 13 + 5 of 4 and 26
=8.7 5 + (8.26 6 + 4.26 5)
=8 5 / 7 + 12 11 / 26
=130 out of 8 and 182 + 77 out of 12 and 182
=207 out of 20
=21 and 25 / 182

Y '= x + 1-y to solve differential equation

y'+y=x+1 (1)
The corresponding homogeneous equation is:
y'+y=0 (2)
(2) The characteristic equation is as follows
s+1=0 (3)
Characteristic root: S = - 1
(2) The best way
y1=ce^(-x) (4)
(1) Y * = x (5)
Finally, the general solution of equation (1) is as follows:
y(x) = ce^(-x)+x (6)
The integral constant C is determined by the initial condition

Given the inequality system (2x-30 (3x + 2) ≤ 0, x-a > 0, there is no real number solution, find the value range of real number a
Given that the system of inequalities (2x-3) (3x + 2) ≤ 0, x-a > 0, there is no real number solution, find the value range of real number a

According to the meaning of the title:
The solution is - 2 / 3 ≤ x ≤ 3 / 2
The solution is x > a
In order to make the original equations have no real solution
A ≥ 3 / 2 is enough (it is obvious from the drawing of the number axis)

Multiplication with two zeros
Two multipliers with zeros at the end
two hundred and thirty


Find the limit of xsin / x + ly / xsinx when x tends to infinity

If the title is
x(sinЛ/x) + (Л/x)*sinx
Using important limits
Then the limit of the original formula = pi * [sin (PI / x)] / (PI / x) + pi * (SiNx) / X
If the title is
x(sinЛ/x) + Л/(x*sinx)
Using important limits and conclusions
Conclusion: bounded quantity has no infinite quantity or infinite quantity
Then the limit of the original formula = pi * [sin (PI / x)] / (PI / x) + pi / (x * SiNx)



If there are n terms in the arithmetic sequence, the sum is 210, and the sum of the first four terms is 156, find the number of terms n

156 / 4 = 39, 39 is the middle number of the first four terms
The sum of the last n-4 terms is 210-156 = 5
If n-4 > = 2, then 40 plus 40 is more than 50
If n-4

Limit problem: when x tends to positive infinity, what is the sum of (sin radical x) / (radical x)?
It's said in the information book that it's equal to 1.. but I don't understand it at all. Please explain it in detail. Thank you very much~