


1. 3 times of 5 is more than half of a number 8. Find the sum of 2 and a and B is 40. A is less than 2 times of B by 5. What is B
Fang Chengjie

Trout 6
Let this number be x, then
Let B be x, then a be 2x-5

A cuboid and cylinder container, the ratio of cuboid and cylinder bottom area is 3:2 (measured from the inside), the cuboid container has 1260 liters, and the water depth is 6 decimeters
Now pour part of the water into the container so that the depth of the water is the same. What is the depth of the water in the container?

The area of cuboid base is 1260 △ 6 = 210dm & # 178;
Bottom area of cylinder = 210 × 2 / 3 = 140dm & # 178;
Depth = 1260 ÷ (210 + 140) = 3.6dm

How to calculate 54 × 99 + 54 with multiplication distribution law

The whole formula of 54 is (54 * 99) + (54 * 1) = 54 * (99 + 1) = 54 * 100 = 5400

The function FX = LNX KX is monotonically increasing on 0,1, and the value range of real number k is obtained
High school mathematics, derivative
Can I wait?

The density of oxygen in a steel cylinder is 8kg / m3. If 14% of its mass is used in gas welding on a certain day, the density of residual oxygen in the cylinder is ()
A. 8kg/m3B. 6kg/m3C. 4kg/m3D. 2kg/m3

Suppose the volume of the cylinder is V, the mass of oxygen in the original cylinder is: M0 = ρ 0V, 14 of which is used, the mass of residual oxygen is: M = 34m0 = 34 ρ 0V, ∵ the volume of oxygen in the cylinder remains unchanged, ∵ the density of residual oxygen is: ρ = MV = 34 ρ 0vv = 34 ρ 0 = 34 × 8kg / m3 = 6kg / m3

It is stipulated that "*" is a new operation, a * b = 3a-2b. Then the value of 7 * 6 * 5 is ()

7 * 96 is a = 7, B = 6
So 7 * 6 = 3 × 7-2 × 6-9
So the original formula is 9 * 5

A mathematical problem on the application of volume!
A cuboid glass container, measuring the length and width of 2 decimeters from inside, pour 5.5 liters of water into the container, and then put an apple into the water. At this time, the water depth in the container is 15 cm. What is the volume of the apple?

Raw water depth = 5.5 / (2 * 2) = 1.375 decimeter = 13.75 cm
Water depth difference = 15cm-13.75cm = 1.25cm = 0.125decimeter
Apple volume = 2 * 2 * 0.125 = 0.5 cubic decimeter = 0.5 liter

With the rapid development of science and technology, human beings still like moon culture. Why
Moon culture refers to poems, articles and stories related to the moon

The simple point is that even if you know that a landscape is only geological structure or some plants and animals or man-made, you will still feel very beautiful and good! This is the difference between image and object. You can't understand its essence without feeling and remembering it differently
Standing on the earth, setting off the surrounding scenery and your own mood, the moon is very beautiful, and some feelings of the moon since ancient times will also rush to your heart, which is a unique feeling and consciousness mode of high intelligent life
Understanding the truth of things at the same time, but also remember the aesthetic, and this is the lack of many modern people

The PI is round______ And its______ The ratio of the two

From the meaning of PI, we can know that: Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and the value of PI is π; so the answer is: circumference, diameter