The operation results of the following two expressions are () 1 4'b1101 & & 4'0110 2 4'b1011 | 4'b0000 A. 1'b1 and 4'b1111 B. 1'b1 and 1'b1 C. 4'b0110 and 1'b1 D. 4'b0110 and 4'b1111

The operation results of the following two expressions are () 1 4'b1101 & & 4'0110 2 4'b1011 | 4'b0000 A. 1'b1 and 4'b1111 B. 1'b1 and 1'b1 C. 4'b0110 and 1'b1 D. 4'b0110 and 4'b1111

B, of course. Both are logic operations

What is the operation process of 4 + 5 / 6 * 7 / 8 mod 9 in VB
(5) The value of expression 4 + 5 / 6 * 7 / 8 mod 9 is
A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7
But the answer is B

The answer is B
The priority of operations in VB from high to low is: ^ - (take negative) * / - mod +-
4+5 \ 6 * 7 / 8 Mod 9
First, 6 * 7 = 42
Then 42 / 8 = 5.25
Then calculate 5-5.25 = 1
Add 1 mod 9 = 1
Then 4 + 1 = 5

Given a = 10 and B = 7, what is the value of VB expression b Mod A / 3?

7 mod 10 =7
Seven divided by three equals two

Fill in different natural numbers in the brackets where one twelfth of the equation is equal to one part plus one part plus one part, so that the equation can be established!

1/18 1/54 1/108

On the solution of matrix eigenvalue and eigenvector
After getting the determinant of λ e-A, why should we transform it? What's the significance of the transformed determinant?
For example: λ e-A = λ - 1 1 - 1 λ - 10 - 1
- 2 λ + 2 - 2 = - 2 λ - 2 = λ ^ 2 (λ + 2)
1 - 1 λ + 1 30 λ + 3

(a - λ E) u = 0 should hold for any vector u. The only condition for the existence of non-zero solution u ≠ 0 is that (a - λ E) determinant is 0
A matrix A can produce a characteristic polynomial, and each n-th characteristic polynomial can also produce an n * n matrix characteristic polynomial

For a two digit number, the single digit is 1 larger than the ten digit number. If the positions of the two digits are exchanged, then the sum of the new number and the original number is 121. Find the two digit number

Because the two numbers appear once in both ten and one digits, the sum of the two numbers is 121 (10 + 1) = 11
The number on one digit is (11 + 1) △ 2 = 6
The number on the tenth is 11-6 = 5
This two digit number is 5x10 + 6 = 56

What is the value of the determinant corresponding to the second order identity matrix?

1 0
0 1

Given the points a (1,2) and B (3,1), the equation of the vertical bisector of line AB is______ .

Let the coordinates of M be (x, y), then x = 1 + 32 = 2, y = 2 + 12 = 32, so m (2, 32) because the slope of the line AB is 2 − 11 − 3 = - 12, so the slope of the vertical bisector of line AB is k = 2, then the equation of the vertical bisector of line AB is y-32 = 2 (X-2), which is reduced to 4x-2y-5 = 0, so the answer is: 4x-2y-5 = 0

The value range of a in ax10n

The absolute value of a is greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10

Xiao Ming read a 270 page story book. On the first day, he read one-third of the whole book. On the second day, he read one-third of the first day. After the rest of the three days, he read it
How many pages did you read on the third day?

150 pages, one third of 270 is 90, one third of 90 is 30, 90 + 30 = 120, 270-120 = 150