In order to measure the density of milk: here are the balance (including weights), measuring cylinder and beaker. Please write down the measurement steps and the expression of density___ ; expression:___ .

In order to measure the density of milk: here are the balance (including weights), measuring cylinder and beaker. Please write down the measurement steps and the expression of density___ ; expression:___ .

Answer: (1) the steps to measure the milk density are: ① pour proper amount of milk into the beaker and measure the total mass M1 of the milk and beaker with a balance; (2) pour part of the milk in the beaker into the measuring cylinder and read out the volume V of the milk in the measuring cylinder; (3) measure the mass m2 of the beaker and the remaining milk with a balance; (2) the density of the milk is ρ = MV = m1-m2v

There is a balance, a mineral water bottle and enough water. Please design an experiment to measure the density of a package of Mengniu milk. Write the steps and density expression

Put the empty mineral water bottle on the balance and weigh the mass M1
Cut the milk and pour it into the mineral water bottle, weigh the mass m2, and record the position of the milk in the mineral water bottle
Pour out the milk, wash the mineral water bottle with clean water, pour in the water until the position just recorded, make the volume of water the same as that of milk, and weigh the mass m3. Then the density of milk is
(m2-m1) / (m3-m1) * density of water

In order to measure the density of milk: here are the balance (including weights), measuring cylinder and beaker. Please write down the measurement steps and the expression of density___ ; expression:___ .

Answer: (1) the steps to measure the milk density are: ① pour proper amount of milk into the beaker and measure the total mass M1 of the milk and beaker with a balance; (2) pour part of the milk in the beaker into the measuring cylinder and read out the volume V of the milk in the measuring cylinder; (3) measure the mass m2 of the beaker and the remaining milk with a balance; (2) the density of the milk is ρ = MV = m1-m2v

If f (x + y) = f (x) + F (y) holds for any real number x and y, and f (x) is not equal to zero, the parity of function f (x) is judged
Come on! I only have two hours. Speed!
What about the process?

Let x = 0, y = 0, then there is
Let x = x, y = - X
Because f (x) is not equal to zero
F (x) is an odd function

The length of the two trains is 144m and 180m respectively. Car a travels 4m more than car B every second. If they travel in the same direction, how many seconds does it take for car a's head to overtake car B from the tail of car B to the end of car a

(144 + 180) △ 4 = 81 seconds

The average number of the five numbers is 40. If the five numbers are arranged from small to large, then the average number of the first three numbers is 35, and the average number of the last three numbers is 45. Which number is in the middle?

The sum of five numbers is 40 × 5 = 200
Sum of five numbers + middle number = 35 × 3 + 45 × 3 = 240
The number in the middle is 240-200 = 40

The speed ratio of a and B is 3:2. After meeting, car a accelerates by 20% and car B accelerates by 30%
When arriving at B, car B is 70 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers are there between a and B?

The distance between the two places is x km
0.4x*2.6 =0.6x*3.6-70*3.6
The solution is: x = 250

Using mathematical induction to prove that 4 * 3 ^ n is greater than or equal to 9N ^ 2

When n = 1, 4.3 > 9 holds. When n = 2, 4 * 9 = 9 * 4 holds. When n = 3, 4 * 27 > 9 * 9 holds. 2 suppose that when n = k, K ≥ 3, K ∈ n holds, that is, 4 * 3 ^ k ≥ 9K ^ 2 holds. Then when n = K + 1, 4 * 3 ^ (K + 1) = 4 * 3 ^ k * 3 ≥ 9K ^ 2 * 39 (K + 1) ^ 2 = 9 (k ^ 2 + 2K + 1) 9K ^ 2 * 3-9 (K + 1) ^ 2 = 9 (2k ^ 2-2k-1) = 18 [(k ^

On a 1:4000000 map, the distance between the two places is 18 cm. If you draw it on a scale of 1:6000000, how many cm should you draw?

12 cm
Set to X
Then x: 4000000 = 18:6000000

Known: a > 0, b > 0
Verification: (a ^ a) × (b ^ b) ≥ [(a + b) / 2] ^ (a + b)
Why did no one answer?

The smaller of a and B is S-T, and the other is s + t
Verification of the original formula
The following is not explained