How to calculate the rate of advance in volume units?

How to calculate the rate of advance in volume units?

In fact, it's very simple. The volume unit is just the length unit to the third power. We will calculate the length unit. You only need to convert the ratio of the length unit to the third power, which is the corresponding volume unit conversion ratio. For example, we usually convert the meter (m) to the centimeter (CM), that is, 1m = 100cm. When we change it into volume, 1m ^ 3 = (100 ^ 3) cm ^ 3 = 1000000cm ^ 3

Who knows how to calculate the volume of an object?

For the moment, I think that you are talking about the volume algorithm of irregular objects: 1) if you can split it into several regular objects, you can calculate their volumes separately and then add them together; 2) if it is a very irregular object, you can use Cao Chong's image method: put the object into a container full of water, then the volume of the overflowing water will increase, Volume of cuboid = length × width × height v = ABH volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length v = a.a.volume of cylinder = bottom area × height v = volume of cone = bottom area × height △ 3 V = sh △ 3 volume calculation formula of sphere v = 4 / 3 π R3 (π is a constant, i.e. circumference ratio is about 3.14; π is a constant, i.e. circumference ratio is about 3.14; π is a constant, i; R = radius of the ball)

If the resistor R1 is connected to the circuit with voltage u, it consumes 49w of electric power. If the resistor R1 is connected to the original circuit after being connected in series with another resistor R2, the electric power consumed by the resistor R1 is 36W, and the electric power consumed by the resistor R2 is 36W______ W. If R1 and R2 are connected in parallel to the original circuit, the ratio of power consumed by R1 and R2 in the same time is 0______ .

(1) From the meaning of the question, we can get: when the resistance R1 is connected to the circuit with voltage u, then P1 = u2r1 = 49w -------- ① when R1 is connected to the original circuit in series with another resistance R2, then P1 ′ = (ur1 + R2) 2r1 = 36W -------- ② from ① and ②, we can get: R1 = 6r2, the electric power consumed by the resistance R2: P2 = (ur1 + R2) 2r2 = (ur1 + 16r1) 2 × 16r1 = 649 × u2r1 = 649 × 4 9W = 6W; (2) when R1 and R2 are connected in parallel to the original circuit, according to w = u2rt, the ratio of electric energy consumed in the same time is w1w2 = r2r1 = 16

When an object is moving in a straight line with uniform acceleration, the initial velocity is 0.5m/s, and the displacement in the 7th second is 4m more than that in the 5th second. The calculation is as follows: (1) the acceleration a of the object with uniform acceleration; (2) the displacement of the object in the first 5S

(1) According to X7 − X5 = 2at2, the acceleration is: a = X7 − x52t2 = 42 × 1 = 2m / S2. (2) the displacement of the object in the first 5S is: x = v0t + 12at2 = 0.5 × 5 + 12 × 2 × 25m = 27.5m

What are the formulas in Joule's law applicable to? Pure resistance or impure resistance? Which is the calculation of thermal power

Joule's Law: 1. According to the text, the heat generated by the current passing through the conductor is proportional to the square of the current, the resistance of the conductor, and the time of power on. 2. Formula: Joule's law mathematical expression: q = I ^ 2rt. The derived formulas are Q = uitand q = u ^ 2 / R × t

For a light pole with length of L = 0.5m, one end is fixed with a small ball with mass of 1.0kg, and the other end is fixed on the rotation axis O. the small ball rotates uniformly on the horizontal plane around the axis. It is known that the centripetal acceleration of the small ball is 13.7m/s ^ 2. How long does it take to change the direction of the linear velocity of the small ball to π / 6 within one revolution of the pole?

Centripetal acceleration a = RW ^ 2 (R, W are radius and angular velocity of circular motion respectively)
It can be seen from the question that r = L = 0.5m, then the angular velocity W = 5.2345, then the time is π / 6 divided by the angular velocity W, which is equal to 0.1 second

How many kilos is 13 out of 50 tons?


An object in the air with a spring scale, reading 1.6n, or immerse the object in water. Spring scale reading 0.6N
Find: (1) the volume of the object?
(2) The density of the object?


If you add 5 cm to the bottom of a triangle, the area will be increased by 15 square centimeters, and the original bottom will be obtained
Gao must be 6. Maybe tomorrow will be the answer. If it's right, I'll give you 20 points. The teacher hasn't said it yet

If you add 5cm to the bottom of a triangle, the area will increase by 15cm, and the original height will be 2 * 15 / 5 = 6cm
The original bottom cannot be found because of insufficient conditions

As shown in the figure, two objects with mass ma and MB are placed together on a smooth horizontal ground, but when object a is subjected to a horizontal right force F, the acceleration of object a is, the direction of force of B on a is, the magnitude is, if the dynamic friction coefficient between the horizontal ground and objects a and B is u, the acceleration of a is, and the force of B on a is
We should analyze the process in detail

1. The acceleration of AB is the same, so AA = AB = f / (MA + MB)
2. B has acceleration AB, the force it receives can only be given by a, and the direction is to the right. The magnitude is abmb = FMB / (MA + MB)
According to Newton's third law, the force of B on a is also FMB / (MA + MB) to the left
3. AB is still regarded as a whole, and there is one more friction force
4. Separately, the total external force on B is fa umbg = mbab
So the force of a on B is fa = mbab + umbg = MB * (f-u (MA + MB) g) / (MA + MB) + umbg
Similarly, the force of B on a FB = FA