What is the value of the comma expression "a = 5, a + +, a * 3"?

What is the value of the comma expression "a = 5, a + +, a * 3"?

a++ => a=6
Results: 18

The value of comma expression a = 4, B = 6, a --, B --, a + B is?

The final result is 8, a --, 4-1 = 3, B --, 6-1 = 5, a + B = 3 + 5 = 8

What does a comma mean

Commas are the most frequently used punctuation marks in Chinese and most foreign languages. It is a special case that Korean uses more periods than commas. Commas are the most widely used and the most flexible, so they are also the most difficult to master. Comparing and analyzing the relevant information at home and abroad can help us understand the main functions of commas

Let f (x) = x ^ 2 + AlN (1 + x) have two extreme points x1, X2, and X1 - 1
F (x) has two extreme points X1 and X2, and X10
In these inequalities, how are (2) and (3) obtained? Where do they come from? What is their role?

F (x) has two extreme points x 1 and x 2, and x 1

If the ordinate and abscissa of the point (x, y) in the plane rectangular coordinate system satisfy y = X2, then the point (x, y) lies in ()
A. Above X axis (including X axis) B. below X axis (including X axis) right of C. Y axis (including Y axis) left of D. Y axis (including Y axis)

If ∵ y = X2 is greater than or equal to 0 and ∵ y ≥ 0, then the point (x, y) is above the x-axis (including the x-axis)

Is there a constant a, B such that the fourth power of X + ax & sup2; + B can be divisible by X & sup2; + 2x + 5

Existence, a = 6, B = 25, you take it in, according to the integer division equation A-1 = 5, 5 (A-1) = B can calculate, not clear can ask

In the cube abcd-a1b1c1d1, where e is the midpoint of dd1, the positional relationship between BD1 and the plane passing ace is ()
A. Intersection B. parallel C. vertical D. line in plane

Connect AC and BD, the intersection point is f, and connect EF ∵ in △ bdd1, e and F are the midpoint of dd1 and BD, so EF ∥ BD1, ∥ EF ⊂ plane ace, BD1 ⊄ plane ace, ∥ BD1 ⊂ plane ace, so select B

Idioms the second word and the fourth are idioms of numbers
No three no four, life and death
Two, please

Ding Yimao two kill one example, one hears one knowledge ten punish one example, Ding yiqu2 draw inferences from one instance, three people one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred

It is known that the circumference angle of a 4 cm long string is 30 degrees, then the diameter of the circle is 30 degrees

If the circle angle is 30 degrees, then the center angle is 60 degrees, then the radius and chord are equal, so the diameter is 8 cm
You can understand it by drawing

6.5x + X + 3.8 = 22.55
