Quantitative relationship ~ 1,9,7,27,13, (), 19,63 a.25 B.33 c.45 d.54

Quantitative relationship ~ 1,9,7,27,13, (), 19,63 a.25 B.33 c.45 d.54

Odd number: 1,7,13,19 are the previous number + 6 in turn
Even number terms: 9,27, (), 63 are 1 × 9,3 × 9 (5 × 9) 7 × 9, which are increasing odd number multiplied by 9
Choose C

The value of an expression 4 + 5 * 7 / 8 mod 9 in VBA is? Please explain the operation order for me

The value is 8
4+5*7/8 MOD 9
=4+35/8 MOD 9
=4+ 4.375 MOD 9

In VBA, the value of the expression 2 + 9 * 7 Mod 17 / 15 / 5 is ()
A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6

In fact, it is equivalent to: 2 + (9 * 7) mod (17 (15 / 5))
=2+63 Mod (17\3)

All the chemical literal expressions, symbolic expressions and reaction phenomena in grade three,

The chemical formula of all substances in junior high school is (1) pure acid sulfuric acid H2SO4 sulfite H2SO3 hydrochloric acid HCl nitric acid HNO3 hydrogen sulfide H2S carbonate H2CO3 hydrogen carbon nitrogen oxygen phosphorus sulfur chlorine gas (nonmetallic element) H2 C N2 O2 p s Cl2 sodium magnesium aluminum potassium calcium iron zinc copper barium

Divide a number by five to three, six to four, seven to one, and find the minimum natural number satisfying the condition

Divide five into three, divide six into four
Then the number plus 2 is divisible by 5 and 6
5. The least common multiple of 6 is 30
So this number is 30x-2
And this number is divided by seven to one
That is 30x-2 = 7Y + 1
Because the mantissa of 30x is 0
So the value of Y is 1
When y = 1, x = 1 / 3 is not an integer
When y = 11, x = 8 / 3 is not an integer
When y = 21, x = 5
So the minimum natural number is 30 * 5-2 = 148

If the income is 31000 yuan, how much should be taxed? Give the calculation formula

If the income is 31000 yuan, how much should be taxed? Give the calculation formula
Tax payable = taxable income * tax rate
The tax rates are very different, and the income is not the same. Your question is too general,

How many minutes is 4 minutes 18 seconds

=4 + 18 / 60 minutes
=4.3 minutes
I wish you progress in your study!

Given that a line ax + BY-1 = 0 (a, B are not all 0) and a circle x2 + y2 = 50 have a common point, and the abscissa and ordinate of the common point are integers, then such a line has ()
A. 66 B. 72 C. 74 D. 78

When x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, there are (1,7), (5,5), (7,1) points on the circle whose abscissa and ordinate are integers. Draw the figure according to the title, as shown in the figure: according to the symmetry of the circle, there are 3 × 4 = 12 points on the circle, whose abscissa and ordinate are integers. There are c122 = 66 secant lines passing through any two points, 12 tangent lines passing through each point, and 6 tangent lines passing through the origin As shown in the figure, there are 66 + 12-6 = 72 straight lines satisfying the meaning of the question

Each box of 40 tiles, Wang Ying's kitchen decoration needs 584, at least should buy a few boxes?
1.584/40 ≈ 15 cases 2.584/40 = 14.6 cases 14 + 1 = 15 cases 3.584/40 ≈ 14 cases 14 + 1 = 154.584/40 = 14 cases..... 24 pieces 14 + 1 = 15 cases
Which of the above four methods is right?

What is x-0.4x?

The answer is 0.6x