How about five five equals 24

How about five five equals 24


The solution of 7889 equal to 24


The solution of 3368 equal to 24


Simple calculation of 24380-380 × (44 + 56 △ 28)


70kw, 380V, 130m long. How many square millimeter four core copper cables do you need?

70kw electric current about 140A, 130m can not calculate the power loss, with 50mm2x3 + 25mm2x1 on the line

If the square root of the positive number x is a + 2 and 3a-6, then the value of 363 + A is______ .

From the meaning of the question: a + 2 + 3a-6 = 0, the solution is a = 1, substituting a = 1 into 363 + A, the result is: 363 + a = 363 + 1 = 364 = 4

What kind of chemical energy does electricity turn into when a battery is charged

Battery charging is actually the conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy, which is realized by redox reaction. Its essence is that the electron transfer during charging makes the low price reduced substance lose electrons and become the high price oxidized substance (energy storage). When discharging, the high price oxidized substance produces reduction reaction and electron transfer, resulting in electric current

What are the application conditions of geometric mean

One is to calculate the average of contrast ratio and index;
Second, calculate the average development speed
I wonder if I can help you

What's the difference between kilocalorie and kilojoule? What's the relationship between them

1 cal = 4.2 J

The square of 4A + 12ab + 9b = ()

Square of 4A + 12ab + 9b = (2a + 3b)