Simple calculation of 11 / 24 times 25

Simple calculation of 11 / 24 times 25

11/24 x 25
=(10/24 + 1/24) x25
=250/24 + 25/24
=11 and 11 / 24

A flagpole is broken at 6m from the ground, and the top of the flagpole is 8m from the bottom of the flagpole. How high is the flagpole before it is broken?

According to the meaning of the question, in RT △ ABC, OA = 6m, OB = 8m, according to Pythagorean theorem, AB2 = oa2 + ob2 = 100, ∧ AB = 10m, ∧ OA + AB = 6 + 10 = 16m

7. The median line EF of trapezoidal ABCD is 15cm long (see Fig.), ∠ ABC = ∠ AEF = 90 ° and G is a point on EF. If the area of triangle ABG is 1 / 5 of trapezoidal ABCD, how long is eg?


m=___ The equation (m-2) square + MX = 5 about X is a quadratic equation with one variable

When m ≠ 2, the equation (m-2) xsquare + MX = 5 is a quadratic equation with one variable

The calculation formula of volume and surface area of cube and cube, cylinder and cone

Surface area of cuboid: (L x W + L x H + W x H) x2

The perimeter of a rectangular grassland is 200 meters, and the ratio of length to width is 3

Length 25x3 = 75
Width 25

Use the rounding method to approximate the following numbers according to the requirements in brackets. (1) 2567000; (accurate to ten thousand places) (2) 2.692475. (accurate to thousandth place)

(1)2 567 000≈2.57×106;(2)2.692 475≈2.692.

It took 24 seconds for a train to pass a 540 meter tunnel and 46 seconds for a train to pass a 1200 meter long bridge

Set vehicle length x m
According to the velocity invariant equations
By solving the equation, we can get x = 180
(540 + 180) / 24 = 30 (M / s)

As shown in the figure, in square ABCD, ab = 4, e is the point on BC, f is the point on CD, and AE = AF, let △ AEF = y, EC = X
(1) Finding the functional relation of Y with respect to X
(2) When △ AEF is an equilateral triangle, calculate the area of △ AEF

(1)y=-1/2x² +4x
(2) (32 times root 3) - 24

How many meters does 15 billion light-years equal by scientific counting? Thank you,

15 billion = 1.5 × 10 to the 10th power, so it is 1.5 × 10 to the 10th power × 9.46 × 10 to the 12th power = 14.19 × 10 to the 22nd power = 1.419 × 10 to the 23th power