Translate the parabola y = x2 + ax + B to X-axis direction by 3, Y-axis direction by 4, get the parabola y = x2-3x + 1, find the value of a, B b-a^2/4+4=-5/4 Why is + not - here. I'm sorry, I'm a little confused. = = Ah, I wrote the wrong title, orz. The y-axis translation is - 4 sorry.

Translate the parabola y = x2 + ax + B to X-axis direction by 3, Y-axis direction by 4, get the parabola y = x2-3x + 1, find the value of a, B b-a^2/4+4=-5/4 Why is + not - here. I'm sorry, I'm a little confused. = = Ah, I wrote the wrong title, orz. The y-axis translation is - 4 sorry.

It is known that the direction of x-axis and y-axis should be the positive direction of x-axis and y-axis
Before translation, the equation is y on the left and X2 + ax + B on the right
After translation, the equation is y-4 on the left and (x-3) 2 + a (x-3) + B on the right
That is: y = x2 + (a-6) x-3a + B + 13
So if a-6 = - 3, then a = 3
-3A + B + 13 = 1, then B = - 3

How many cubic meters of gaseous carbon dioxide is equivalent to 1 cubic meter of liquid carbon dioxide (under standard conditions)? What kinds of carbon dioxide vaporization equipment are available? Are they common to liquid oxygen vaporization equipment?
But I got a 1:585
I don't know where I got it from upstairs

Under normal pressure, liquid carbon dioxide will vaporize immediately. Generally, 1kg liquid carbon dioxide can produce about 0.5m3 gas
Carbon dioxide does not seem to vaporize, its liquefaction equipment is lower than oxygen requirements
The last time I said something wrong, it was 1700 times larger
Vaporization of liquid carbon dioxide, the volume is expanded to about 500 times the original

Given the second power of AB (only b), = - 6, find the value of - AB (AB (the second power of a, the fifth power of B) - AB (the third power of B) - b)
As the number of times can not be typed, please forgive me


The vertex coordinates of parabola are (3, - 1), and the analytic expression of quadratic function is obtained through the point (2,3)

Then y = a (x-3) &# 178; - 1
Over (2,3)
So y = 4x & # 178; - 24x + 35

What are the energy conversion and essence of light reaction and dark reaction in photosynthesis

Light reaction is to convert light energy into active chemical energy (light energy → [H]); dark reaction is to convert active chemical energy produced by light reaction into stable chemical energy [H] → carbonaceous organic matter

Simple calculation 1 * 1 / 3 + 1 / 3 * 1 / 5 + 1 / 5 * 1 / 7 + +1/97*1/99+1/99*1/101

1 * 1 / 3 = (1-1 / 3) / 2, the other items are simplified in the same way
Finally, (1-1 / 101) / 2 = 50 / 101

The chord AB passing through the focus F of parabola y ^ 2 = 2px is known as | FA |, | FB |, | ab | to form an arithmetic sequence, and the linear equation of AB is obtained

Focus f (P / 2,0) let FA = a.fb = B, then AB = a + B, then 2B = a + A + BB = 2A, and make a vertical line to X-axis through AB respectively. From the similar triangle, the absolute value of the ordinate of AB is also 1:2. Let a's ordinate be m, (M > 0), then a's (m ^ 2 / 2p, m) and B's ordinate be - 2m, (M > 0), then a's (4m ^ 2 / 2p, - 2m) AFB is on a straight line f (P / 2,0)

What is the volume formula of a cylinder?

Bottom area * height

How much is 2800 times 99.5%?
Another question is: how much has Tuanjie road been widened from 12m to 25m?


Solving inequality ln2-x > ln (2 + x)

-2-2 ln2-x = ln (2 + x) ln2-x = LN2 + ln (1 + X / 2) x + ln (1 + X / 2) = 0. Ln (1 + X / 2) is a multiple of X. x (1 + 1 +...) = 0 x = 0 when x > 0 ln2-x LN2 ln2-x > ln (2 + x) does not hold. If xln2, ln (2 + x) ln (2 + x) holds, so X-2 and X-2 hold