When an inequality with X has a negative number on the other side and a positive number on the other side, does the sign change

When an inequality with X has a negative number on the other side and a positive number on the other side, does the sign change

Yes, the symbol needs to change direction

How to pronounce w in pinyin

5、 For example, wow, five "wow"

The formula of eight symmetries in high school mathematics

1) Point about point symmetry: Idea: using the midpoint coordinate formula, point a (a, b) about the origin symmetry point a '(- A, - b). (2) point about the straight line symmetry: ① point a (a, b) about the X axis symmetry point a' (a, - b). ② point a (a, b) about the Y axis symmetry point a '(- A, b). ③ point a (a, b)

There are four operations of decimals, which need to be simplified. (10 lines)
Fifth grade!! Urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Equation x / 1 × 2 + X / 2 × 3 + X / 3 × 4 + +The solution of X / 2007 × 2008 = 2007

Simplification of the original formula
x(1/1-1/2 1/2-1/3. 1/2007-1/2008)=2007
Hope to help you ^ o^

Find the maximum area s of the inscribed rectangle of the ellipse x ^ 2 + 4Y ^ 2 = 8 and the coordinates of the four vertices of the rectangle

Suppose a point is (m, n), where m > 0, n > 0
Then the other three points are (m, - n), (- m, - n), (- m, n)
So the side length is 2m, 2n
That is to find the maximum value of Mn

Do not change the order of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, add the operation symbol, so that the calculated number is 10
The existing formulas are (1 + 2) △ 3 + 4 + 5 = 10, (1 + 2 + 3-4) × 5 = 10, (1 + 2) × 3-4 + 5 = 10, (1 × 2 × 3-4) × 5 = 10


Given that a > 0, f (x) = - 2acos (2x + π / 6) + 2A + B, when x ∈ (- π / 4, π / 4), - 5 ≤ f (x) ≤ 1. (1) find the values of constants A and B
(2) Let g (x) = f (x + π / 4) and satisfy LG [g (x)] > 0, find the monotone interval of G (x)

(1) Because x ∈ (- π / 4, π / 4), 2x + π / 6 ∈ (- 2 π / 3, 2 π / 3)
So we get 2acos (2x + π / 6) ∈ (- 1 / 2,1],
a> When 2acos (2x + π / 6) = - 1 / 2, f (x) max = 1 = - 2A * (- 1 / 2) + 2A + B, a + B = 1
When 2acos (2x + π / 6) = 1, f (x) min = - 5 = - 2A * 1 + 2A + B, B = - 5
A + B = 1, B = - 5, so a = 6
Because x ∈ (- π / 4, π / 4), so 2x + 2 π / 3 ∈ (π / 6,7 π / 6)
G (x) decreases monotonically on (π / 6, π) and increases monotonically on [π, 7 π / 6]
Because we consider that LG [g (x)] > 0 = LG1, lgx is monotonically increasing in the domain of definition,
So we get: G (x) > 1, - 12cos (2x + 2 π / 3) + 7 > 1, cos (2x + 2 π / 3)

The number of solutions of the equation sin π x = 14x is______ .

In the same coordinate system, make the images of y = sin π X and y = 14x, as shown in the figure: because the images of y = sin π X and y = 14x have seven intersections on [- 4,4], and when x < - 4, or & nbsp; X > 4, there will be no intersection between the two curves, the number of solutions of the equation sin π x = 14x is 7, so the answer is: 7

What does Jamie mean

1. Simple millet
2. It's Jane. It's Mel
3. The erhuayin of the name "Jianmi"
4. Net name or blog name