A number 5.8 times is 12.5 more than 3.3 times. What is the formula of this number

A number 5.8 times is 12.5 more than 3.3 times. What is the formula of this number

Let this number be X
So the number is 5

Factorization: X3 + 2x-3
X3 is the third power of X
Online, thank you


How to prove that a parallelogram with equal diagonals is a rectangle

Parallelogram ABCD, AC = BD by parallelogram characteristics: the opposite side is equal: BC = ad, ab = AB, so: △ ABC ≌ △ bad know: ∠ ABC = ∠ bad, and ∠ ABC + ∠ bad = 180 degrees, so: ∠ ABC = ∠ bad = 90 degrees, that is, an angle of parallelogram is right angle know: ABCD is a rectangle ∠ a = 90 degrees, ∠ B =

60 (x + 1.5) = 12


Please summarize your problem here, through the point P (0, - 8) to the circle X & # 178; + Y & # 178; + 2x-4y = 0 lead tangent, find the tangent length

By rewriting the equation of a given circle, we get: (x + 1) ^ 2 + (Y-2) ^ 2 = 5
The center g coordinate is (- 1,2) and the radius is √ 5
Let the tangent point be a, then there is pa ⊥ AG, and by Pythagorean theorem, there is pa ^ 2 + Ag ^ 2 = PG ^ 2,
The tangent length is 4 √ 6

-What are positive integers? Negative integers? Positive fractions? Negative fractions? Natural numbers? And rational numbers?
-What are positive integers? Negative integers? Positive fractions? Negative fractions? Natural numbers? And rational numbers?

Positive integer: 5, + 201, 2004
Negative integer: negative 8,
Positive score: 2 and 1 / 7, 7 / 101
Negative score: - 9.6, negative 3 and 1 / 4, - 0.05, negative 2 / 9
Natural number: 0,52004, + 201,
Rational numbers: 0,5, + 201, 2004,: - 9.6, negative 3 and 1 / 4, - 0.05, negative 8

If the function y = x2-2x + 3 has a maximum value of 3 and a minimum value of 2 in the interval [0, M], then the value range of M is ()
A. [1,∞)B. [0,2]C. (-∞,2]D. [1,2]

It can be seen from the meaning that the axis of symmetry of the parabola is x = 1, with the opening upward ∵ 0 on the left side of the axis of symmetry ∵ the image on the left side of the axis of symmetry is monotonic decreasing ∵ when x = 0 on the left side of the axis of symmetry, there is a maximum value of 3 ∵ and a minimum value of 2 on [0, M]. When x = 1, the value range of y = 2 ∵ m must be greater than or equal to 1 ∵ the image of the parabola about x = 1 symmetry ∵ m must be ≤ 2, so D is selected

If the reciprocal of (3 / a) and (3 / 2a-9) are opposite, then the value of a is ()

That is 3 / a = (9-2a) / 3
We get 2 * a ^ 2-9a + 9 = 0
A = 3 or a = 3 / 2

To solve the equations: {y = x + 4, {X & # 178; + 2XY = 3

Substituting y = x + 4 into
Let X1 = 1 / 3 or x2 = - 3 be substituted into y = x + 4
We obtain Yi = 13 / 3 or y2 = 1

How to solve the zero point of function by dichotomy

Select two points in the definition field, one point brings in the function to make the function value greater than 0, one point brings in the function to make the function value less than 0. Take the midpoint of two points to bring in the function to judge whether the function value is greater than 0 or less than 0. If it is less than 0, use the midpoint to replace the point that makes the function value less than 0. If it is greater than 0, use the midpoint to replace the point that makes the function value greater than 0, and so on, You can find the zero point or the point with small error from the zero point!