How much is 57 out of 98 times 29 out of 2010 plus 41 out of 2010 times 29 out of 98

How much is 57 out of 98 times 29 out of 2010 plus 41 out of 2010 times 29 out of 98


How much is 3333 × 3333? It needs formula and simple process


The formula of 1 / 7 times 198-2 / 7 times 81-3 / 7 times 20


Find the real root number of the equation x ^ 3-x ^ 2 + 2x-5 = 0, according to the function monotonicity and zero point theorem

When f '(x) = 3x ^ 2-2x + 2 > 0, the △ of the equation increases monotonically

Current calculation formula of three phase asynchronous motor
Is cos & a fixed value in current calculation of three-phase asynchronous motor? If so, what is it

Cos Φ is not a fixed value, but is related to the load rate. The higher the load rate is, the larger the fixed value is. If it is not clear, it is calculated as 0.8

The complete steps of the exercises of the second grade of junior high school


The power is supplied to a lamp marked "PZ & nbsp; 220-60" in a distant construction site by a power supply of 220 v. due to the resistance of the wire, the actual power consumed by the bulb is 55 W. then the power consumed by the wire ()
A. Less than 5wb. Equal to 5wc. Greater than 5wd. Uncertain

If the wire resistance is ignored, that is, the voltage of 220 V is all connected to the bulb of "PZ & nbsp; 220-60", the bulb will light normally, and the power is 60 W; if the wire resistance is not ignored, that is, the resistance in the circuit will increase, and the total power consumed by the circuit will decrease, that is, less than 60 W, while the actual power of the bulb is 55 W, so the power on the wire can only be less than 5 W; therefore, select a

-When the cube of 5x - (2m-1) the square of X + (2-3n) X-1 does not contain the first and second terms of X, the values of M and N are obtained

Without the first and second terms of X, the coefficients of x ^ 2 and X are 0

A certain electric appliance is connected to the electric energy meter marked with 3000revs / kW. H, and the turntable can rotate for 300 revolutions in 300s to calculate the electric power of the electric appliance

Power consumption w = 300r △ 3000r / kW. H = 0.1kw. H = 3.6 × 105J
Power of electric appliance P = w / T = 3.6 × 105J △ 300s = 1200W

Please write their relationship in this way (x = 2p + 2)
I know that P is + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2. I just want that equation,
For example:

That's it!