How many different ways to change 100 yuan into 1 yuan, 2 yuan and 5 yuan banknotes

How many different ways to change 100 yuan into 1 yuan, 2 yuan and 5 yuan banknotes

Do it with violence. Here's the code
int main(){
int a, B, C, Num = 0; / / A, B, C are the quantities of 1 yuan, 2 yuan and 5 yuan respectively

Divide two 100 yuan banknotes into 100 pieces of 5 yuan, 2 yuan and 1 yuan, at least 1 piece of each kind. How many kinds of points are there

24 methods
Let 5, 2 and 1 be x, y and Z respectively
Y = 100-4x, z = 3x, x, y, z > 0, are integers
So 0

There are 65 pieces of RMB with a face value of 2 yuan and 5 yuan in Xiaohong's piggy bank. The total amount of money is 205 yuan. How many pieces of RMB with two face values?

Let X and Y solve the linear equation of two variables
Let's have X sheets for 2 yuan and Y sheets for 5 yuan
We get x = 40, y = 25
A: 40 for 2 yuan and 25 for 5 yuan

The conditions for chemical energy to be converted into electric energy
Chemical energy can be converted into many forms of energy, combustion and other reactions release heat energy, but the chemical energy of primary battery can be converted into electric energy, and the efficiency of converting into electric energy after adding salt bridge is still very high, so what are the conditions for chemical energy to be converted into electric energy instead of internal energy, and what are the differences between the process of converting into electric energy and internal energy

According to the thermal effect of current, the smaller the resistance is, the smaller the thermal effect is, According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat energy cannot be 100% converted into other forms of energy without the change of other environment, But on the other hand, electric energy can be converted into 100% heat energy (example: pure resistance circuit). Therefore, the condition of converting electric energy is to reduce the thermal effect as much as possible, that is, to reduce the loop resistance. Converting electric energy requires a loop, because only electric energy can be generated by forming current, so there must be charge directional movement, and certain devices need to be built, It can also be understood that the process of converting heat energy first converts electric energy. At this time, due to the large contact area, the current is infinite (instantaneously) and the resistance is fixed, so it is converted into heat energy instantaneously
PS (there is a little difference between thermal energy and internal energy. Internal energy refers to the energy existing in a substance, including the kinetic energy of molecular thermal motion, the potential energy caused by intermolecular force and the thermal energy of molecules at a certain temperature)

(X/80+X/100 +5)*40=X,

(X/80+X/100 +5)*40=X

If II-7 is a homozygote, please answer according to the figure: (1) a disease is a pathogenic gene located in______ On chromosome______ B is a genetic disease in which the pathogenic gene is located______ On chromosome______ (2) the genotype of II-5 may be______ The genotype of iii-8 is______ (3) the probability that iii-10 is a homozygote is______ (4) assuming that iii-10 and III-9 marry, the probability of giving birth to a normal boy is______ (5) in this pedigree, the collateral relatives of ii-4 are______ .

How do astronauts live in space?

1 sleep
Make sure you keep it in your sleeping bag
Drink water
Always use a cup with a straw
3 walking
Be sure to wear shoes with hooks on the soles
4 bathing
Be sure to use special shower equipment
5 tasks
Astronauts out of the capsule are performing tasks, he has strict work standards
Another one is that you may have space syndrome, so you have to take a few days off to get out of the cabin

How many kilos is five pounds

Because: 1 lb = 0.4536 kg
So: 5 lbs = 0.4536x5 = 2.268kg

Factorization 4A ^ n-1 * B ^ 2-16a ^ n + 1 (online, etc.)


Two resistors, R1 = 120 Ω, R2 = 100 Ω, are connected in series into a 110 V circuit to calculate the voltage at both ends of R1 and the electric power consumed by R2

If the current is equal, the total current I = u / r = 110 V / (120 Ω + 100 Ω) = 0.5 A. if the current is equal, the current through R1 and R2 is 0.5 A. if I = u / R and u = IR, the voltage of R1 is U1 = I1, R1 = IR1 = 0.5 a × 120 Ω = 60 v. if P = I2R, the electric power of R2 is P2 = i2r2, R2 = (0.5 A) ^ 2 × 100 Ω = 2