Write a program to calculate the approximate value of e with the formula: e = 1 / 1! + 1 / 2! + 1 / 3! + ∧. Until the last term is less than the given precision I don't understand the meaning of Λ, so I'd better make it up for me directly, ha ha!

Write a program to calculate the approximate value of e with the formula: e = 1 / 1! + 1 / 2! + 1 / 3! + ∧. Until the last term is less than the given precision I don't understand the meaning of Λ, so I'd better make it up for me directly, ha ha!

^It means to let you keep adding until there is a small enough unknown
In addition, your formula is short of a 1. If you want to calculate the correct e value, you should change the initial value of result in the following program to 1
object Test {
def main( args:Array [String]) {
var result:Double = zero
var term:Double = one
val tolerance:Double = zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero one
Stream.from (1).exists(n => {
term = term / n
result = result + term
term < tolerance

How does VF calculate the approximate value of e with the formula e = 1 + 1 / 1! + 1 / 2! +... + 1 / N?
Until 1 / N!

do while .t.
for i=1 to n
if m

When x is less than 2, compare x squared with 2x squared minus x plus 2

The simplest is that x takes 0, then 2x ^ 2-x + 2 = 2 > 0 = x ^ 2
X square less than 2x square minus x plus 2

Xiao Ming passed by the front of a building. Looking at the glass curtain wall from the side, he found that the flagpole in front of the building was in the glass curtain wall
It's a map!

I only know that the height of the glass curtain wall is at least half of the height of the flagpole

Science and technology production related to the fourth grade of primary school
How to do this? I really can't

4. Homemade flashlight
The specific manufacturing method is as follows: take off one cover of a waste can (such as Lulu beverage can) and dent the other end with a round hammer. Roll up two No. 1 batteries with thick corrugated cardboard, and put the positive pole and negative pole of the batteries into the can with upward and downward. Find a suitable plastic cover (such as the magic big roll box cover can be buckled on Lulu beverage can), and dig a small round hole in the center of the box cover, The size of the hole should be such that the bulb can be inserted tightly. Insert the bulb base into the small hole. Take a piece of tracing wire and peel off the wire at both ends. One end is wound on the lamp holder, and the other end is pierced through a small hole on the side of the plastic cover. Cover the plastic cover on the can. Check whether the bulb and battery are tightly contacted. Here, the disposable flashlight is ready, Use your thumb to press the wire from the side wall on the unpainted weld of the can, and the flashlight will light up. If you jump off the wire with your thumb, the flashlight will go out. It is very convenient to use
5. Homemade solar cooker
Find a concave reflector bowl on a large flashlight, and use a rigid foam or wood to cut a cylinder about 4 centimeters in diameter, so that the diameter can be tightly inserted into the round hole of the reflecting bowl. A hole is drilled horizontally on one end of the cylinder and penetrated into a diameter of iron wire, and then the two ends of the wire outside the cylinder are folded to 90 degrees. Leave 5 centimeters in each piece. Insert the column into the round hole of the reflecting bowl, then insert the two ends of the wire on a foam plastic or wooden floor. Sharpen the two ends of a fine bamboo stick, insert one head into the center of the reflecting bowl, and insert a small piece of potato at the other end. Put the device in the sun, let the reflecting bowl move towards the sun, and then adjust the length of the bamboo stick patiently. Let the potato just be in the focus of light. Before long, the potato will be baked by the sun and give out fragrance

It is known that 5 / 3 x: 4 = 1 has 1 / 2 to find the value of X

5/3 * x :4 =3/2
X = 3 / 2 * 12 / 5 = 36 / 10 = 3 / 5

The school basketball court is 26 meters long and 14 meters wide. Draw the plan of the basketball court with a scale of 1:1000 and find the area of the court

26 M = 2600 cm
14m = 1400cm
The length is 2600 × 1 / 1000 = 2.6cm
The width is 1400 × 1 / 1000 = 1.4cm
The area on the figure is: 2.6 × 1.4 = 3.64 square centimeter
The actual area is: 26 × 14 = 364 square meters
Hope to help you!
If you don't understand, please ask. I wish you progress in your study!

Mathematician's story 50 words
Mathematician's story is less than 50 words

1. Chen Jingrun doesn't like to play in the park or walk on the road, so he likes to study. When he studies, he often forgets to eat and sleep. One day, when Chen Jingrun was having lunch, he felt his head. Oh, his hair is too long, so he should have a haircut quickly. Otherwise, when people saw him, they thought he was a girl. So he put down his job and ran to the barber's shop

How to convert kilogram of cloth into meter?

What application are you talking about?
Under normal circumstances, meter is the unit of length, kilogram is the unit of mass, can't convert each other!
But I guess what you mean is that it is transformed according to some properties of the object
For example: conversion of kilogram and meter of clothing fabric
Take the warp length of 1 meter on the fabric, and weigh the gram weight, that is, how many kilograms is 1 meter; there is no fixed conversion mode, only through sampling calculation
Generally speaking, woven fabrics are priced by meter; knitted fabrics are priced by kilogram;
For example, the warp length is 1 meter (the width of the fabric is 150 cm, or 1.5 m2 in square terms, which has nothing to do with the weight per square gram, just say it casually), the weight is 250 g, the weight per meter is 0.25 kg, and the unit price is 10 yuan / meter, which is 10 / 0.25 = 40 yuan / kg, It's 4 meters of fabric
If the conversion of knitted fabric is required, the warp length is 1m, the weight is 250g, the gram weight per meter is 0.25kg, and the fabric value is 40 yuan / kg, that is, 40 * 0.25 = 10 yuan / m
The above way may produce some loss, please control, generally within 1%
PS: the above method is more accurate, and the following method will produce large deviation in calculation, so it needs to do more than 10 times of average calculation for different positions of the disc
The other is to take the area of 0.01 square meter with the weight taking instrument, weigh it on the gram weight meter, and then calculate it. For example, the weight is 2G under the area of 0.01 m2, that is, 2 / 0.01 = 200g / m2, and then measure the width (latitude gate width) as 1.5m, and then calculate it as 200 * 1.5 = 300g / m. if the unit price is 10 yuan / m, then the unit price per kilogram is 1000 / 300 * 10 = 33.3 yuan / kg, It is: 33.3 yuan / kg = 3.33 meters

As shown in the figure, the circles are equal circles, and the adjacent two circles are circumscribed. The center line of the circle forms an equilateral triangle. Remember that the areas of the shadow parts from left to right are S1, S2, S3 The value of S12: S4 is equal to___ .

Let the radius of the circle be 1. In the first figure, the area of the shadow part is 3 π - 12 π = 52 π. Observing the figure, we find that the area of the shadow part increases by 1.5 π in turn. Therefore, the area of the fourth figure is 2.5 π + 1.5 π × 3 = 7 π, and the area of the twelfth figure is 2.5 π + 1.5 π × 11 = 19 π. So the ratio of them is 197