Calculation formula of chicken and rabbit in the same cage

Calculation formula of chicken and rabbit in the same cage

Formula of chicken and rabbit in the same cage
Solution 1: (number of rabbit's feet × total number - total number of feet) / (number of rabbit's feet - number of chicken's feet)
=The number of chickens
Total number of chickens = number of rabbits
Solution 2: (total number of feet - number of feet of chicken × total number of chickens) / (number of feet of rabbit - number of feet of chicken)
=The number of rabbits
Total number of rabbits = number of chickens
Solution 3: total number of feet △ 2 - total number of heads = number of rabbits
Total number of rabbits = number of chickens

The approximate value of π can be obtained by the formula of π / 4 = 1-1 / 3 + 1 / 5-1 / 7 +
{int s;
float n,t,pi;
While (fill in the blank)

My parents are all out
This is a sign of the end of the cycle
With this flag, you can make the generated t infinitely close to 0
So, you can use t > = 1e-6
Of course, because it may be negative, so add an absolute value. Just like what I said upstairs
You can also get n to infinity
Like n

C language s = 1 + 1 / (3 * 3) + 1 / (5 * 5) + 1 / (7 * 7) +The value of 1 / (n * n) n is entered by keyboard

int main()
int i,j,n;
float s = 0;
for(i = 1; i

Given the vector a = (4,3). B = (- 1,2) M = a - λ B, n = 2A + B, find out how much λ is equal to, and the module of M is equal to the module of n


It is known that AB is 178= bd.bc Can we prove that △ ABC is a right triangle
Okay, I got it. There's no need to answer

Yes, because the right triangle is ab times BC = AB times BD

Factorization of a ^ n + 2-A ^ n + 1-6a ^ NB ^ 2 (n is a positive integer)


If there is a point P on the ellipse, the eccentricity of the ellipse is ()
A. 53B. 23C. 22D. 59

Note that the midpoint of Pf1 is m, the center of ellipse is O, connecting OM, PF2 has | PF2 | = 2 | om |, 2a-2c2 − B2 = 2B, a-2c2 − A2 = A2 − C2, 1-2e2 − 1 = 1 − E2, the solution is E2 = 59, e = 53

As shown in the figure, ab = AC, ∠ BAC = 90 °, BD is the bisector of ∠ ABC, CE ⊥ be

It is proved that the extension line of CE to Ba is at point F
∵ BD bisection ∠ ABC
The math group answered your question,

The density of mercury is 13.6 and that of aluminum is 2.7. How many grams of mercury need to be injected into a hollow aluminum sphere with a volume of 20 and a mass of 27g?
Boss, who answered well, 100
All for you. I know it's 136,

Let the mass of mercury be X
Because M = ρ V, V shot = 27g / 2.7 = 10
Because V = 20, so v = 20-10 = 10
Because M = ρ V, M = 13.6 * 10 = 136
Because we use those three points to express

If f (x) = log [1 / (x + 1)] (a > 0, a ≠ 1) has both definition and value fields [0,1], then a =?

Domain 0