In rectangular paper ABCD, ab = 3cm, BC = 4cm. Now fold and flatten the paper so that a and C coincide. If the crease is EF, the area of the overlapping part △ AEF is equal to______ .

In rectangular paper ABCD, ab = 3cm, BC = 4cm. Now fold and flatten the paper so that a and C coincide. If the crease is EF, the area of the overlapping part △ AEF is equal to______ .

Let AE = x, from folding, EC = x, be = 4-x, in RT △ Abe, AB2 + be2 = AE2, that is 32 + (4-x) 2 = X2, the solution is: x = 258, from folding, we can know ∠ AEF = ∠ CEF, ∫ ad ‖ BC, ∫ CEF = ∠ AFE, ∫ AEF = ∠ AFE, that is AE = AF = 258, ∫ s △ AEF = 12 × AF × AB = 12 × 258 × 3 = 7516

We know the function f (x) = - 2x + m, where m is a constant. When f (x) is an odd function, we find the value of the real number m?

If f (x) is an odd function, f (- x) = - f (x)

1995-1+2-3+4-5+… +1948-1949=______ .

1995-1+2-3+4-5+… +1948-1949=1995-(1+1949+3+1947+… +975)+2+1948+4+1946+… +974 + 976 = 1995-975 × 975 + 975 × 974 = 1995-975 × (975-974) = 1995-975 = 1020

Factoring factor X ^ 4-3x ^ 2 + 2 in real number range

Original = (X & # 178; - 1) (X & # 178; - 2)
=(x + 1) (x-1) (X-2) (x + 2)

In cube, ABCD_ In a1b1c1d1, AC vertical BD1?

Because dd1 ⊥ face ABCD
And AC is on ABCD
So dd1 ⊥ AC
Because of AC ⊥ BD
So AC ⊥ surface bdd1
BD1 is on bdd1
So AC ⊥ BD1

-The third power of B is multiplied by the second power of B
How much is the answer

-The fifth power of B

The length of the oblique line PA passing through a point p outside the plane is (2 √ 3) / 3 times that of the vertical line Pb passing through this point (a, B ∈ R)
The length of the oblique line PA passing through a point p outside the plane is (2 √ 3) / 3 times that of the vertical line Pb passing through this point
Find the angle between oblique line PA and plane
I'm so anxious

In RT triangle, if the ratio of three sides is 1: root 3: 2
The triangle is 30 degrees, 60 degrees and 90 degrees
So the angle between the diagonal PA and the plane is 60 degrees

Factorization: X4 + 6x + X + 12
How did you come up with this solution

1. Because x ^ 4 = x ^ 2 * x ^ 2; 12 = 4 * 3
Let's suppose that the original formula can be changed into: [as follows]
From this we can get the following conclusions
When: a = - 1, B = 1, all three expressions hold
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The base of a parallelogram is 15 cm, the height is 6 cm, and a diagonal is 10 cm

First, draw a graph on the paper and mark all the known conditions, because the height is 6 and the diagonal is 10. You will see a right triangle. According to the square of the opposite side, it is equal to the square of the hypotenuse_ The square of the other pair of edges can be 8, because the bottom edge is 15, which can be 15_ 8 = 7, which forms a right triangle, find out the hypotenuse is the root 85, the four sides are out of the root 85, with 85, 15, 15, etc. and 30 + 2 with 85

Solve the equation, X / 15 + 10 / 60 = x / 12-5 / 60