According to the law of the first three numbers, write the last number: 2345 & nbsp; 3452 & nbsp; 4523______ .

According to the law of the first three numbers, write the last number: 2345 & nbsp; 3452 & nbsp; 4523______ .

Observe the three numbers given, and sum up the rule that the numbers given appear in cycles of 2, 3, 4 and 5, because the first three numbers are 2345, 3452 and 4523, so the number to be filled in is 5234, so the answer is 5234

Write 234524523, (), (), ()




Simple calculation (2345 + 3452 + 5234 + 4523) / (2 + 3 + 4 + 5)


Please judge the number of zeros of function f (x) = 4x + X Λ 2 - (2 / 3) x Λ 3 on R and explain the reason

Then the minimum of F (x) is f (- 1) 0, so f (x) has three zeros

Several simple calculation problems


Given a point P (1,1 / 3) on curve C: y = x ^ 3 / 3, find (1) tangent equation with point P as tangent point (2) tangent equation passing through point P

(1) First of all, we need to take the derivative of y = x ^ 3 / 3 (you should have learned it). The reciprocal of y = x ^ 3 / 3 is y = x ^ 2. We can get the tangent slope by taking the abscissa of P (1,1 / 3) into the derivative function, so the tangent slope of P (1,1 / 3) is k = 1. Let the tangent equation be y = x + C (slope is 1), and then substitute P (1,1 / 3) to get C = - 2 /

The height of the triangular prism abc-a1b1c1 is the highest when the side of abc-a1b1c1 is perpendicular to BC and BC = 1 and A1C is 60 ° to the bottom
A. Radical 3 / 3 B. radical 3 / 2 C.1 D. radical 3


The following is a correct understanding of the expression f = ma of Newton's second law and its deformation formula ()
A. According to f = ma, the resultant force of an object is directly proportional to its mass and inversely proportional to its acceleration. B. according to M = FA, the mass of an object is directly proportional to its resultant force and inversely proportional to its acceleration. C. according to a = FM, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to its force and inversely proportional to its mass From M = FA, the mass of an object can be obtained by measuring its acceleration and resultant force

A. The resultant force of an object has nothing to do with its mass and acceleration. So a is wrong. B. the mass of an object has nothing to do with the resultant force and acceleration, and it is determined by its own properties. So B is wrong. C. according to Newton's second law a = FM, the acceleration of an object is related to

2x+(-6)=4x-8 (-2)x+10=3x+(-4)
