What is the idiom 2345.6789

What is the idiom 2345.6789

Lack of clothing [1] eat less [10]

When 1.8 is rewritten as one thousandth unit, it is [] when 1.2345 is rewritten as ten thousand unit. When 1.2345 is rewritten as one thousand unit, it is [] when 1.2345 is rewritten as ten thousand unit

Change 1.8 to one thousandth: 1.800
2. The number of 1.2345 changed into ten thousand units is 0.0012345

The circumference of a rectangle is 72cm. If its width increases by 1 / 4 and its length decreases by 1 / 8, and its circumference remains the same as the original, what is the area of the rectangle?

Let width: A, length: B
Width increased by 1 / 4, length decreased by 1 / 8, perimeter remained the same as before

An aircraft first flies at a speed of 200 km / h for a certain distance, and then uses 250 km / h to complete the whole flight,
Cut off points behind Du Niang: the average speed is 215km / h. Seeking the whole journey

An aircraft first flies a distance at a speed of 200 km / h, and then uses 250 km / h to complete the whole flight. It is known that the first distance is 390 km more than the second distance, and the average speed is 215 km / h
Let the first time be T1, the second time be T2, and the whole process be s
V1T1-V2T2=390 200T1-250T2=390 T1=(25T2+39)/20
S / (T1 + T2) = vmean by substituting the above formula into the left formula, we can see that s = vmean * (T1 + T2) = 215 * (20t2 + 25t2 + 39) / 20
At the same time, s = v1t1 + v2t2
It can get 200t1 + 250t2 = 215t1 + 215t2 by juxtaposing with card type
Therefore, it is not necessary to calculate: T2 = 18S, T1 = 42s
We can get s from the above three formulas

Two people do the same problem: 2x-2 = 4x-4. Huanhuan: 4x-2x = 4-2, that is, 2x = 2. Lele: the inverse operation of the law of distribution of multiplication results in 2 (x-1) = 4 (x-1), and the two sides of the equation divide equally
2 (x-1), get 1 = 2. Lele was shocked at this time, how can 1 equal 2? Can you help him solve the mystery?

In the equation, X is a variable, and other fixed numbers are constants. To solve the equation, variables should be replaced by constants, so two sides can be divided by two at the same time (x-1), but not divided by variables

In 10 cm long, 8 cm wide rectangular cardboard, dig out the largest circle, the area of this circle is how many square centimeters, the utilization rate of this cardboard?

In 10 cm long, 8 cm wide rectangular cardboard, dig out the largest circle, the diameter of the circle is equal to the width of the rectangle
So the radius of the circle is 8 △ 2 = 4cm
The area is 4 × 4 × 3.14 = 50.24 square centimeter
The utilization rate of this paperboard is 50.24 (10x8) = 62.8%

Find the meaning of some symbols in mathematical formula
max{ sign(
N and I = 1 are up and down

Max {} is the maximum in brackets
Sign (x) or sign (x) is called sign function. In mathematics and computer operation, its function is to take the sign (positive or negative) of a certain number:
When x ≥ 0, sign (x) = 1;
When x

It is known that the sum of 5 / 2x ^ 5m + 2n + 2Y ^ 3 and - 4 / 3x ^ 6y ^ 3m-2n-1 is a monomial, and the binary oneness of M and N is listed

If sum is a monomial, then the degree of X and y are equal respectively

As shown in the figure, the cone AB is the diameter of the bottom surface, and the cone generatrix SA = AB = 2R, C is the cosine value of the angle formed by the straight line SC and AB on the different surface satisfying the sin angle ABC = 1 / 3

Make CD ‖ AB through C and intersect semicircle ACB at D, then ∠ SCD is the angle formed by a straight line of different planes
So ⊥ surface ABC is made through s, and the perpendicular foot is O, then o is the center of the bottom surface
I hope it can help you

How to divide 78 by 2

78 △ 2 = 39 checking calculation: 39 × 2 = 78