Root 18 times cubic root 2 A reward will be offered

Root 18 times cubic root 2 A reward will be offered

3 / 2 times of 2 × 1 / 2 times of 2 × 3 = 1 / 2 times of 2 × 1 / 2 times of 2 × 3 = 12 is the answer right



If a point of a function is not a discontinuous point, does that point necessarily have a derivative?
For example, is x = 0 in F (x) = x the discontinuous point of this function?

The discontinuous point refers to: in the discontinuous function y = f (x), there is a discontinuous phenomenon at a point XO, then XO is called the discontinuous point of the function
Let f (x) be a real function of one variable defined in a centreless neighborhood of point x0
(1) There is no definition in x = x0;
(2) Although x = x0 is defined, X → x0 limf (x) does not exist;
(3) Although x = x0 is defined and X → x0 limf (x) exists, X → x0 limf (x) ≠ f (x0),
Then function f (x) is discontinuous at point x0, and point x0 is called the discontinuous point of function f (x)
Removable breakpoint: the left limit and right limit of a function exist and are equal at this point, but they are not equal to the value of the function at this point, or the function has no definition at this point. For example, the function y = (x ^ 2-1) / (x-1) is at the point x = 1
Jump breakpoint: the left limit and right limit of the function exist at the point, but they are not equal. For example, the function y = | x | / X is at the point x = 0
Infinite discontinuity: the function can be undefined at this point, and at least one of the left limit and right limit is ∞. For example, the function y = TaNx is at the point x = π / 2
Oscillatory discontinuity point: whether a function can be defined at this point. When the independent variable approaches this point, the value of the function changes infinitely many times between two constants. For example, the function y = sin (1 / x) is at x = 0
Removable discontinuities and jumping discontinuities are called the first kind of discontinuities, also called finite type discontinuities. Other discontinuities are called the second kind of discontinuities
So: x = 0 in F (x) = x is not the discontinuous point of this function
Differentiable functions must be continuous. Discontinuous functions must not be differentiable
If a point of a function is not a discontinuous point, then the point must have a derivative

(4 / 7 * 5 / 8) * 56 simple calculation


(1) (+ 17) + (- 27) = (2) (- 25) - negative thirteen and two thirds (3) (- 3.5) - (- 8.1) - (+ 16.9) + (negative one and two fifths)

(1) (+ 17) + (- 27) = - 10 (2) (- 25) - negative 13 and two thirds = - 38 and 2 / 3 (3) (- 3.5) - (- 8.1) - (+ 16.9) + (negative 1 and two fifths) = - 3.5 + 8.1-16.9-1.4 = - 13.7

5 of 2x and y of 3 (x + 1)

y/3(x+1)=2xy /[ 6x(x+1)]

52 degrees 38 minutes 42 seconds + 22 degrees 48 minutes 32 seconds

52 degrees 38 minutes 42 seconds + 22 degrees 48 minutes 32 seconds
=74 degrees, 86 minutes, 74 seconds
=75 degrees, 27 minutes, 14 seconds

Finding the limit limx tends to be positive infinity (LNX) ^ 2 / x ^ (1 / 3)

Using the law of lobida
Limx tends to be positive infinity (2in (x) * 1 / x) / (1 / 3 * (x ^ - 2 / 3))
=2/(1/9 *x^1/3)=0

If the solutions of equation 13X = 1 and 2x + a = ax are the same, then the value of a is ()
A. 2B. -2C. 3D. -3

Solve the first equation: x = 3, solve the second equation: x = AA − 2  AA − 2 = 3, solve: a = 3, so choose C

A simple calculation method for 1.1 × 11 × 1.1-1.1 × 1.1-1.1
