What is the negative root of 1 / 16? Is it positive or negative 2 or negative 1 / 2

What is the negative root of 1 / 16? Is it positive or negative 2 or negative 1 / 2

Plus or minus 2

The square of X + 2 times the root 5 times x + 10 = 0

4.5 × [14.2 + [15.8-9.6]] simple calculation
The sooner the better. It's urgent

Xiaoming is 1.40 meters tall. Xiaojun is one tenth higher than Xiaoming. Xiaoqiang is one tenth higher than Xiaoming. How tall are Xiaojun and Xiaoqiang

Height of Xiaojun: 1.4 times (1 + tenth) = 1.54 (m)
Xiaoqiang's height: 1.4 + 1 times one tenth = 1.5 (m)
A: Xiaojun is 1.54 meters high, Xiaoqiang is 1.5 meters high
I hope my answer will help you_ ∩)O

1+1.2+3.3+5.4+7.1+9.2+11.3+13.4+15.1+17.2+19.…… So according to this rule, how many formula results in 2013?
(please write the liquidation form)

The integral part from the second term is 1,3,5,7,9.2n-3
If the result is 2003, it can only be 2n-3 = 2003, then n = 1003

When a skier with a weight of 60 kg stands on a skis, each skis is 2 meters long, 0.1 meters wide and weighs 10 cattle. The pressure on the horizontal snow surface when the skier stands (G is not taken as 10)

=Pressure △ stressed area

A cuboid container is 50 cm long, 40 cm wide and 30 cm high. The water depth in the container is 26 cm. A cube iron block with 20 cm long edges is immersed in water
Will the water in the container overflow

The volume of iron block is 20 × 20 × 20 = 8000 cubic centimeter
See how much volume the container can hold: 50 × 40 × (30-26) = 8000 cubic centimeters
Because 8000 CC = 8000 CC
Water will not overflow

Fill in the blanks: 6.25 2.5 1 () ()

It's an equal ratio sequence
six point two five
2.5 = 6.25 / 2.5
1 = 2.5 / 2.5
(0.4) = 1 / 2.5
(0.16) = 0.4 / 2.5

A simple method is used to calculate: 2012 × 2008-2012 & # 178;; 1 / 2 (1 and 1 / 2) (1 + 1 / 4) (1 + 1 / 16)
The contents are complete square formula and square difference formula,

1 / 2 (1 and 1 / 2) (1 + 1 / 4) (1 + 1 / 16)

The price of story books is 1.5 times that of science and technology books. Each story book costs 12 yuan. How much is each science and technology book

The price of story books is 1.5 times that of science and technology books. Each story book costs 12 yuan. How much is each science and technology book = 12 / 1.5 = 8 yuan