Solving mathematical problems (requires a system of linear equations with three variables) A correspondent rides a bicycle to send a message to the mountain post. The speed from the camp to the foot of the mountain is 15 km / h, the speed up the mountain is 10 km / h, and he returns immediately. The speed down the mountain is 30 km / h. if it takes 2.4 hours to go back and forth, how much is the total distance

Solving mathematical problems (requires a system of linear equations with three variables) A correspondent rides a bicycle to send a message to the mountain post. The speed from the camp to the foot of the mountain is 15 km / h, the speed up the mountain is 10 km / h, and he returns immediately. The speed down the mountain is 30 km / h. if it takes 2.4 hours to go back and forth, how much is the total distance

A correspondent rides a bicycle to send a message to the mountain post. The speed from the camp to the foot of the mountain is 15 km / h, the speed up the mountain is 10 km / h, and he returns immediately. The speed down the mountain is 30 km / h. if it takes 2.4 hours to go back and forth, how much is the total distance
Let the horizontal road be x and the mountain road be y
Let's split it
The total round trip distance is 2 (x + y) = 36 km
A: the round trip is 36 kilometers in total

If the polynomial 1 / 2x ^ (m-1) - (n-3) x + 2 about X is a cubic binomial, then 3m-2n=

According to the meaning of the title

Finding the number of real roots of equation │ X-2 │ + │ x-3 │ = 1

The sum of the distances between X and 2,3 points
Because the distance between two and three is one
So when x is between 2 and 3
The sum of distances is 1
So there are countless solutions

Fifth grade disjunctive problem

75÷〔138÷(100-54)〕 85×(95-1440÷24)80400-(4300+870÷15) 240×78÷(154-115)1437×27+27×563 〔75-(12+18)〕÷152160÷〔(83-79)×18〕 280+840÷24×5325÷13×(266-250) 85×(95-1440÷24)...

If y = an equation of X, is the geometric meaning of Y 'obtained by derivation the tangent slope k, and the derivative function y' = an equation of X is the relationship between K and X?

In this geometric application, it's a relation you said
For example, the derivative of a quadratic function (parabola) is a straight line. When the interval of linear equation > 0, the parabola is an increasing function;

Given a = m + 6, B = m + 4, C = m + 3, find the square of a + the square of B + the square of C - AB BC ca


I want to know the CPK calculation formula and the principle of the calculation formula? I hope to give an answer
Why CPK ≥ 2.0 is excellent; 2.0 > CPK ≥ 1.67 is excellent; 1.67 > CPK ≥ 1.33 is good; 1.33 > CPK ≥ 1.0 is general; 1.0 > CPK ≥ 0.67 is poor; 0.67 > CPK is not acceptable? Who made it? What is the judgment benchmark? Why do you make such a judgment

The formula is CPK = (usl-x mean) / 3sigma or (x mean LSL) / 3sigma, take the smaller value. If CPK = 2, according to the above formula, the nearest distance between the mean and both sides is 6 times of sigma, that is, 6 sigma level. According to the normal probability calculation, most of the points fall within the tolerance line, only

The teacher asked us to do this problem before we learned it, but I had to do it. I had to go online to find the answer

Original formula = (3-6) x ^ 2 + (3-2) x + 5-9

The side length of a rectangle is 88cm. If the width increases by 25%, the length decreases by 1 / 7, and the perimeter remains unchanged, calculate the area of the rectangle

If the length is x cm, the width is 44-x cm
Width: 44-28 = 16 (CM)
The length is 28 cm and the width is 16 cm

A 168 cm long iron wire is welded into a rectangular model with the ratio of length, width and height of 3:2:1. How many cm are the length, width and height of the model?

3 + 2 + 1 = 6168 △ 4 = 42 (CM), 42 × 36 = 21 (CM), 42 × 26 = 14 (CM), 42-21-14 = 7 (CM). A: the length, width and height of this model are 21 cm, 14 cm and 7 cm respectively