This is my classroom

This is my classroom

This is my classroom.

How to say classroom in English

Classroom English: ['kl: srum] American: ['kl & aelig; s, rum]
Noun n
1. Classroom [C]

Differential: ① y = (x-1) (2-3x) (2x + 3) ② y = xsquare + 3cos2x ③ y = √ x + X ④ y = xlgx ⑤ y = √ (xsquare + 1) (xsquare - 2) the steps should be detailed

Dy = [(2-3x) (2x + 3) - 3 (x-1) (2x + 3) + 2 (x-1) (2-3x)] DX2. Dy = (2x-6sin2x) DX3. Dy = [1 / 2x ^ (- 1 / 2) + 1] DX4. Dy = [lgx + X / (xln10)] DX = [lgx + 1 / ln10] DX5. Dy = 1 / 2 [(xsquare + 1) (xsquare-2)] ^ (- 1 / 2) [2x (xsquare-2) + 2x (xsquare + 1)] = 1 / 2 [(xsquare + 1) (...)

A rectangular vegetable field, 3 meters wide, one third longer than the width, length is () meters, perimeter is () meters, area line is () square meters

A rectangular vegetable field is 3 meters wide, one third longer than the width, with a length of (4) meters, a perimeter of (14) meters and an area of (12) square meters

The fourth power of 64 × the second power of 8 = the x power of 4, then x =?


If the equation | AX-1 | = 2A, (a > 0, a ≠ 1) about X has two unequal real roots, then the value range of real number a is______ .

According to the meaning of the question, the image of the function y = | AX-1 | (a > 0, a ≠ 1) has two different intersections with the straight line y = 2A. When a > 1, 0 < a < 1, 0 < 2A < 1, so a ∈ (0, 12), so the answer is: (0, 12)

Words to describe exertion and tiredness
Close the door

Sweating profusely
bathed in sweat
go through untold hardships

The volume of a cone is 30 cubic decimeters, the bottom area is 5 square decimeters, and the height is 10

You also:
Height of cone = 30 × 3 △ 5 = 18 (decimeter)

To 400. Enough to add wealth value

And there's something in it

General solution of differential equation XY '' - 2Y '= x ^ 3 + X

In this paper, we consider the - 2 / xdx = -2ln \\\\\\124\124\\\\\\\124\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\and