How does mom say it in English?

How does mom say it in English?


What does their mother say in English

their mom/mother

I miss my mother very much

I miss my mother very much

How to say mother in English?


A container is 40cm long and 30 wide, B container is 30cm long and 20 wide. A has 5cm water, B has 23cm water. Pour a part of B water to a, so that the two containers have the same water height. What is the water depth?
Another question, two containers as above, B pour 7.5L to a, how deep is the water

The water depth is 11cm
Let X be the depth of water
By solving the equation, x = 11cm

X + 3 / 4x = 49 to solve the equation

1. Decomposition equation: precondition x + 3 is the denominator and does not exist alone
2: X and 3 / 4 are separate, two sequence terms
x+3/4 x=49

36 times 47 + 82 times 94 =?

36 82*94
47 328
232 738
one hundred and forty-four
1672 + 7708 9380

There is a 3.75 km long team going along the road. The correspondent rides a bicycle from the end of the team to the front to convey the order, then immediately returns to the end, then goes to the rear to deliver the message, and then immediately returns to the end of the team. All the time, the team advances 8 km. The time for the correspondent to deliver the order is 1 / 3 of the time for delivering the message?
It should be the total distance traveled by the correspondent.

Set the team speed as X and the correspondent speed as y
It can be seen from the question that Y > x is positive, and their travel time is the same: 8 / X
The distance of correspondent is y * 8 / X
The whole time period can be divided into two parts: the correspondent goes from end to end, and then goes from head to end twice
The solution is: y = [(15 + √ 481) / 16] x (Y > x, negative value is rounded off)
The distance of correspondent is = [(15 + √ 481) / 16] x * 8 / x = (15 + √ 481) / 2 = 18.47 (km)
Note: the result is approximately equivalent. I haven't solved the equation for a long time. I don't know if it's right

The price of a drug increased by 30% in 2008 and decreased by 70% in 2010. The price is 19.5 yuan

Suppose the price of the drug before 2008 is X,
Answer: the price of the drug was 50 yuan before 2008

What is the formula of 2n + 1 power of a + 2n + 1 power of B
For example, the second power of a - the second power of B = (a + b) (a-b)

The original formula = (a + b) [a ^ 2n-a ^ (2n-1) B + A ^ (2n-2) B & # 178; - A ^ (2n-3) B & # 179; + +a²b^(2n-2)-ab^(2n-1)+b^2n]