I don't like all the books

I don't like all the books

I don‘t really like all (the)books
Not really
I don't really like all kinds of books

I think I will change my present state slowly

I think I will try to make this situation a little bit different little by little.

I'm going to do my homework now

I am going to do my homework.
It's time for me to do my homework now.

If n is a natural number, try to prove that (n + 11) 2-N 2 can always be divided by 11

It is proved that: ∵ (n + 11) 2-n2 = N2 + 22n + 112-n2 = 22n + 112 = 11 (2n + 11); 11 can be divisible by 11 (2n + 11), and (n + 11) 2-n2 can always be divisible by 11

It is known that the domain of definition of function f (x) is R and satisfies f (x + 2) = - f (x). 1. Prove that f (x) is a periodic function 2 if f (x) is an odd function and if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

1) f(x+4)=-f(x+2)=f(x)
Therefore, this function is a periodic function with period 4

I don't know what I should do next

i don't know what to do next.

Given that x = 2 is the solution of the equation 4x + 5K = 3, find the solution of the equation 2-k (2x-1) = - k x about X
It's going to take ten minutes now

Because x is the solution of 4x + 5K = 3, substituting x = 2 into the system of equations, 8 + 5K = 3, k = - 1, substituting k = - 1 into 2-k (2x-1), and then solving the equation

Solving the system of linear inequalities with one variable
1. When 2 (M-3)

Question 1: 6 (M-3) 4x
It is concluded that: M > 4x / (x-1) can also be written as: M

The average of five numbers is 60. If one of them is changed to 80, the average will be 70. What is the original number?

70 × 5-60 × 5 = 350-300 = 5080-50 = 30

How to calculate 33 times 22 + 11 times 34

= 33x22+11x2x17
= 33x22+22x17
= 22(33+17)
= 22x50
= 1100