Sixth grade volume I Vocabulary Manual and poetry peer's inferences page 94 In poetry writing, we usually pay attention to rhyme, so that poetry can read more rhyme. Quietly to Begonia still when the human clouds, how many years of rain sparse wind suddenly green fat red thin first group second three four

Sixth grade volume I Vocabulary Manual and poetry peer's inferences page 94 In poetry writing, we usually pay attention to rhyme, so that poetry can read more rhyme. Quietly to Begonia still when the human clouds, how many years of rain sparse wind suddenly green fat red thin first group second three four

Then you said it was urgent

Impressions after reading the first natural paragraph of the first volume of the sixth grade Chinese volume of the people's Education Press

Leap soil is a lively and lovely, intelligent and capable person

PEP primary school grade 6 Volume 1 Lesson 17 children leap soil after class 2 questions
Communicate with students: the text describes the "I" and the leap soil of those things? Leap soil to you what kind of impression?

The text narrates four things that Runtu told me about catching birds in the snow, picking up seashells by the sea, watching melons and fish in the sand
Runtu is a wise, brave and well-informed image of rural youth

3 / 4 minus 3 / 4 times 0.5, simple calculation


Write a general formula (1) - 1,1 / 8, - 1 / 27,1 / 64, - 1 / 125, (2) 3 / 5,4 / 8,5 / 11,6 / 14,7 / 17

(1) - 1,1 / 8, - 1 / 27,1 / 64, - 1 / 125. (- 1) ^ n * (1 / N) ^ 3 means the nth power of - 1 multiplied by the 3rd power of (1 / N). (2) 3 / 5,4 / 8,5 / 11,6 / 14,7 / 17... (n + 2) / (3N + 2)

What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the equations ax + by + C = 0 and 2aX + 2by + C + 1 = 0 to represent two parallel lines

Regardless of special circumstances, the slopes of the two lines are the same, indicating that only special circumstances should be considered
The special cases are as follows: first, the equation itself is not a straight line, that is, a and B are both 0; second, two straight lines coincide, multiply both sides of the first equation by 2, and compare 2C = C + 1, that is, C = 1. So the necessary and sufficient condition is: A ^ 2 + B ^ 2 is not equal to 0 and C is not equal to 1

Anhydrous sodium acetate and alkali lime are co heated to form CH4?
How to generate the product and what else

It is the reaction of sodium acetate and sodium hydroxide with calcium oxide
Calcium oxide absorbs water
To form methane and sodium carbonate
CH3COONa + NaOH = = Cao as catalyst, heating = = = CH4 + Na2CO3
The principle is that at high temperature, the bond between methyl group and carboxyl group of sodium acetate is broken, the hydrogen oxygen bond of sodium hydroxide is broken, hydrogen and oxygen are separated, then methyl and hydrogen are combined to form methane, and the rest is combined to form sodium carbonate
The reaction takes place under strict anhydrous conditions, so quicklime is added to absorb water vapor and provide a dry environment. Quicklime is not a catalyst

"500mA. H" means which of the following physical quantities of the battery
As shown in the figure, it is the description on the shell of a battery. It can be seen from the description that "1.2V" represents the voltage of the battery. According to the knowledge learned, it can be judged that "500mA & # 8226; H" represents which of the following physical quantities of the battery: (-)
A. Current intensity B. electric work C. electric power D. electric quantity
To explain
Answer: a

D. It means that under the calibration voltage (1.2V), 500mA can discharge for one hour, that is, the battery charge is 1.2 * 0.5 * 1 = 0.6W

The origin of logarithm ln (log E) d

e. As a mathematical constant, it is the base of natural logarithm function. Sometimes it is called Euler number, named after Euler, a Swiss mathematician. There is also a rare name Napier constant to commemorate the Scottish mathematician John Napier's introduction of logarithm

Is 180 degrees east longitude the same as 180 degrees west longitude

The 180 degree longitude does not belong to east longitude or west longitude. It is the dividing line between east longitude and west longitude
From the prime meridian to the East and West, it is divided into 180 degrees. The 180 degrees to the East belong to the east longitude, and the 180 degrees to the West belong to the west longitude. The maximum longitude is 180 degrees, and there is only one 180 degree longitude. The dividing line of East-West longitude is 0 degree longitude and 180 degree longitude