What is the focus of PEP sixth grade Chinese volume I?

What is the focus of PEP sixth grade Chinese volume I?

What a coincidence. I'm also in grade six. It's hard to talk about the key points. There are so many texts, and each unit has the key points of each unit
Unit 1: love for the motherland
Unit 2: help others, sacrifice oneself to save others, character character
Unit 3: it's about celebrities
Unit 4: folk art and folktales
Unit 5: the magic and beauty of animals and scenery
Unit 6: contributions made by some celebrities
Unit 7: "learning", "asking", "knowledge"
You can sort it out by yourself~~

What is the second lesson in the second volume of the sixth grade Chinese book?

Sanya sunset, the second lesson in the sixth grade Chinese Book Volume II of Jiangsu Education Press
Sanya sunset
It's poetic to see the setting sun in Sanya. The scene of the setting sun's falling is wonderful, not inferior to the sunrise
Sanya is at the southernmost tip of Hainan Island. Surrounded by blue sea, Sanya is full of tropical flavor. The blue sky and the blue sea merge into one. The white gull flying low over the blue sea makes people worry that the white wing tips will be dipped in the blue water. The tall and handsome coconut trees are swaying the Jasper crown in the sea breeze from time to time. The fine sand on the beach is like jade crumbs and silver dust, Golden, soft and warm to scratch people's feet, everyone wants to pinch, ball a ball, it knead into a tough face
The sun, which has been active for a whole day, is still like a happy child. It has a red face and no tiredness. It shakes red and red from its body, splashing countless bright spots on the sea. As a result, both the sky and the sea are infected by its smile, golden and red, and warm
Time is slipping away, and the summer is slowly away with the gusts of sea breeze. The setting sun gradually converges and becomes gentle. It is like a big red lantern with soft flame, hanging on the edge of the sea and the sky. Maybe it has been hanging for too long. I can see it slowly sinking. As soon as it reaches the sea, it stops steadily. It seems to be supported by the sea, The sea lost its original color, like a full drink of rose wine, and rose and overflowed with light and color. People were too surprised to blink, for fear that the red lantern would be carried away by a giant hand in the blink of an eye, With a light, agile bounce, and then with a quiet, calm graceful posture into the water, said "goodbye" to people
Oh, this is the sunset in Sanya!
"Sanya sunset" is a short essay about scenery in the first unit of the twelfth volume of primary school Chinese published by Jiangsu Education Press. The author uses fresh and lively language to correctly and vividly depict the beautiful scene of Sanya sunset, and expresses his love for nature and praise for the beautiful scenery of the motherland, The lines are filled with the author's deep love and praise for the setting sun in Sanya. It is a good textbook for students to read aloud, cultivate their emotions and accumulate their recitation

What are the skimming texts in the second volume of the sixth grade Chinese book of the new edition
Skim all the text! Don't read the text! I want the first lesson of the new edition to be the book of two articles in classical Chinese!

Yan'an, I pursue you
Soong Ching Ling and her nanny
Go to life
Monkey King born
Unforgettable enlightenment
Three Crays
Cast Away
Slave hero
Two solemn and stirring hours
Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival
The first dragon in China
Guan yinzijiao

How many numbers can 2,4,6,8,9 form?

The title of the building owner is not very clear. Let's talk about my understanding and answer
The above five numbers can be composed of two digit, three digit, four digit and five digit (without repeating numbers)
The two digit numbers that can be composed are: 20
Can be composed of three digits: 60
Can be composed of four digits: 120
Can be composed of five digits: 120
There are 320 in all

Let a and B be square matrices of order n, and R (a) + R (b)

Let R (a) = P
Then there are matrices P1 and Q1 such that p1aq1 = C1 (C1 has only the first p rows and the first p columns are not zero)
Then a = P1 ^ - 1 C1 Q1 ^ - 1
Let R (b) = Q
Then there is a matrix P2, Q2 such that p2bq2 = C2 (C2 has only the last Q row, and the last Q column is not 0)
B=P2^-1 C2 Q2^-1
Because P + Q

In five digits, can be divided by 11 and the sum of each digit is equal to 43, how many such numbers are there?

Suppose the number is ABCDE, we might as well take the odd term and a + C + e = a, the even term and B + D = B, then we can get a + B = 43, at the same time, because ABCDE can be divided by 11, we must get A-B multiple of 11

Rank of matrix product
Let a and B be matrices of order n, and prove that R (AB) + n ≥ R (a) + R (b)
Standby symbol ≥ ≤><≠

I 0
0 AB
Using elementary transformation
I 0
0 AB
I -B
0 AB
I -B
A 0
It is easy to show that its rank is not less than by the definition of rank
0 -B
A 0
The rank of is enough

How many equations is 30% of the difference between 10 divided by 2.5 and 0.3

Let X be X
(10 △ 2.5-0.3) 30% = x

The approximate number is 1.460 × 105______ The significant number is______ .

The last digit of ∵ 1 is 100000, the last digit of ∵ 1.460 is 100, the significant digit is all the digits before the multiplication sign, the approximate number is 1.460 × 105, accurate to 100, and the significant digit is 1, 4, 6, 0. So the answer is 100, 1, 4, 6, 0

Zhang Hua read a story book. On the first day, he read 1 / 5 of the rest. On the second day, he read 40 pages. The ratio of what he read in two days to the rest was 1:3. On the first day, he read 40 pages
When Zhang Hua read a story book, the number of pages he read on the first day was 1 / 5 of the remaining pages. On the second day, he read 40 pages. The ratio of the number of pages he read on the second day to the number of pages left was 1:3. How many pages did he read on the first day?

Let's read x pages on the first day and leave 5x pages