I like Chinese class best? what can you see in your kitchen? How to say this sentence in Chinese

I like Chinese class best? what can you see in your kitchen? How to say this sentence in Chinese

My favorite subject is Chinese!
What can you see in your kitchen

There are 275 books in three layers on the bookshelf. The third layer is three times more than the second layer, and the first layer is two times less than the second layer. There are three books on each layer

Setting: the second floor x-book
Then: the third layer 3x + 2
First floor 2x-3
∴ x+3x+2+2x-3=275
X= 46
46×3+2= 140
Answer: 89 on the first floor, 46 on the second floor and 140 on the third floor

There are 275 books in three layers on the bookshelf. The books in the third layer are three times more than those in the second layer, and the books in the first layer are three times less than those in the second layer______ This is a book

Suppose there are x books in the second layer, and the meaning of the question is: 3x + 2 + X + 2x-3 = 275, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6x-1 = 275, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6x = 276, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 46; the third layer is 46 × 3 + 2 = 138 + 2 = 140 (Books); a: there are 140 books on the third layer

One thirteenth of eight tons is equal to several parts of one ton

One thirteenth of 8 tons = 8 / 13 = 1 / (13 / 8)
One thirteenth of eight tons is equal to one (thirteen eighths) of one ton, that is eight thirteenth

=If (A3 = 5, "0.0185", if (A3 = 3, "0.0135")) is the formula wrong?

There is an error. This is the nesting of an if function. There are three parameters in the brackets of the if function. You need one parameter less in the second bracket. In addition, you should input characters with half angle instead of full angle
When A3 = 5, 0.0185 is displayed
When A3 = 3, 0.0135 is displayed
Otherwise, show what you are missing
=If (A3 = 5, "0.0185", if (A3 = 3, "0.0135", "missing parameter))
If spaces are displayed except for A3 = 5 and A3 = 3, the correct function is:
=if(A3=5,"0.0185",if(A3=3,"0.0135"," "))
Try it on. It'll work

Absolute value equation solution [fast!

Remove the absolute value and add the sign '±' to the right side of the equation, that is, there are two cases of positive and negative
Your 2 / 1-1 is weird -- B

24 hectares is equal to several parts of a square kilometer

24 hectares equals 24 / 100 = 6 / 25 square kilometers

Let a, B ∈ R, and a > 0, f (x) = x ^ 2 + ax + 2B, G (x) = ax + B, the maximum value on [- 1,1] is 2, then f (2)=
A.4 B.8 C.10 D.16
2. Let f (x) be an even function on R and a decreasing function on (- ∞, 0). If x0, then
A. When f (x1) > F (x2) BF (x1) = f (x2) CF (x1) 0, f (x) = - x ^ 2 + 2x + 2
(1) Find the analytic expression of F (x)
4. If f (x) is an increasing function defined on (0, + ∞), and for all x, Y > 0, f (x / y) = f (x) - f (y)
(1) Finding the value of F (1)
(2) If f (6) = 1, solve the inequality f (x + 3) - f (1 / 3)

Let x1, X2 ∈ [- 1,1] and x1

How to solve the equation x - 1 / 4x + 18 = 1 + 20% X

- 1/4X +18 = 1+ 20%X

The value of tan70 ° + tan50 ° - radical 3 * tan70 ° * tan50 ° is equal to ()
The answer is - root 3

Tan70 ° + tan50 ° = - radical 3 (1-tan70 ° * tan50 °)