English translation I'd ask if my friends could be in the movie too, I think I ate something bad at lunch time. 5. People come to you when they want advice!

English translation I'd ask if my friends could be in the movie too, I think I ate something bad at lunch time. 5. People come to you when they want advice!

I will borrow his clothes without his permission In

English translation
First, English is used around the world for computers. Second, what do you think you're doing? Third, let's not world about our problems. Let's face the challenges instead. Fourth, I didn't use to like tests

1. Be used for
2. What do you think you're doing
3. Don't worry about the problems, let's face them as challenges
4. I didn't use to do. I used to be used to doing

English translation
First, by regulating problems as challenges. Second, who regulations his physical problems as unimportant. Third, don't worry. I used to look just like you. Fourth, he didn't use to give his mother many problems!

First, regard difficulties as challenges. Second, regard his own physical problems as unimportant. Third, don't worry. I used to be like you. Fourth, he didn't often trouble his mother

Why is n-order real symmetric matrix a positive definite matrix, then its diagonal elements are greater than zero

Take x = (0,..., 1,..., 0) ^ t, the ith component is 1, and the rest is 0
Then x ^ tax = aii > 0
That is to say, all the elements on the main diagonal of a are greater than 0

How to input some mathematical symbols (such as the second power of 10, the third power of 10, etc.)

You can type it to the second power by holding down the ALT key, pressing 1 7 8 on the keyboard, and then letting go. For example, m  x0d, and others can press Shift + 6 ^ to indicate the second power

236 people go to spring outing, a total of 7 cars, 40 buses, 18 minibuses, how many buses and minibuses?

Bus 5

The function f (x) = x ^ 3-ax ^ 2-bx + A ^ 2 has the extremum 10 at x = 1 - find the value of a and B, and find the monotone interval of F (x)

Without a pen, I calculate on the computer. By the way, I'll show you the calculation process
F (x) derivation = 3x ^ 2-2ax-b
There is an extremum f (1) = 10 at x = 1
So the derivative of F (1) = 0
Simultaneous equations
I don't have a pen with me. Please figure it out by yourself
The equations are easy to solve!
The length is limited

Given that y = f (x) is an even function defined on R, and it is a decreasing function on [0, positive infinity], what is the size relationship between F (- 3 / 4) and f (a ^ 2-A + 1)

Because it is a decreasing function on (0 + ∞), f (a ^ 2-A + 1) ≤ f (3 / 4)
And because it is an even function, f (- 3 / 4) = f (3 / 4)
So f (a ^ 2-A + 1) ≤ f (- 3 / 4)

I know I shouldn't do this

I know I shouldn't have done like this.
I know I shouldn't do it
Sentence pattern: should't have + past participle [done] sth
Not supposed to do something, but actually did

How do five eights equal five

8 - (8+ 8+ 8)÷ 8=8-24÷8=8-3=5