Central Park is a good place for reading?

Central Park is a good place for reading?

The Central Park is a good place for reading

Don't speak loudly in the library?

Do not speak loudly in library room.

Party A and Party B walk from two places at the same time, passing through the meeting point for 15 minutes and then leaving for 120 meters, knowing that the whole journey of Party A takes 25 minutes, and Party B walks 25 meters for each minute to find the distance between the two places
Party A and Party B walk from ab at the same time. After 15 minutes, they walk through the meeting point and then leave 120 meters. It is known that it takes 25 minutes for Party A to complete the whole journey, and 25 meters for Party B to walk every minute. How long is the distance between ab and Party B?

Analysis: the meaning of the question is 15 minutes, two people walk the whole journey plus 120 meters
Suppose the speed of a is x m / min, then the distance between AB and ab is 25X M
The solution is x = 25.5 (M / min)
The distance between a and B is 25X = 25 × 25.5 = 637.5m

"Original formula * (2 ^ 1-1) = (2 ^ 1-1) (2 ^ 1 + 1) × (2 ^ 2 + 1) × (2 ^ 4 + 1) × (2 ^ 8 + 1) × (2 ^ 16 + 1) × (2 ^ 32 + 1)"
So the original formula is 2 ^ 64-1
Respondent: e "


On the map of scale 1:20000000, the length of Changchun Dalian railway is 3.5cm
If you draw a definite formula on a map with a scale of 1:100km, it's better to use the equation!

On the map of scale 1:20000000, the length of Changchun Dalian railway is 3.5cm
How many centimeters would you draw on a map with a scale of 1:100km?
3.5 × 20000000 = 70000000 cm = 700km
700 △ 100 = 7 cm
Draw 7cm on a map with a scale of 1:100km

Given that a, B and C are positive numbers, it is proved that 2 (A3 + B3 + C3) ≥ A2 (B + C) + B2 (a + C) + C2 (a + b) by using ordering inequality

Prove: first prove: A3 + B3 ≥ A2B + AB2, ∵ (A3 + B3) - (A2B + AB2) = A2 (a-b) - B2 (a-b) = (A2-B2) (a-b) = (a + b) (a-b) 2 ≥ 0, ∵ A3 + B3 ≥ A2B + AB2, take the equal sign if a = B, similarly, A3 + B3 ≥ A2B + AB2, A3 + C3 ≥ A2C + ac2, B3 + C3 ≥ B2C + BC2

3 / 4 of the number a is equal to 2 / 3 of the number B. what is the number a? How much is the number a less than the number B? How much is the number B more than the number a?

Number a X3 / 4 = number B x2 / 3
A: B = 2 / 3:3 / 4 = 8:9
Number a is 8 / 9 of number b = 8 / 9
The number of a is less than that of B (9-8) △ 9 = 1 / 9
Number B is more than number a (9-8) △ 8 = 1 / 8

High school mathematics, inequality, problem solving process
1. Solve inequality (2x ^ 2-x-7) / [(x + 1) (x-1)] > 1
2. Solving inequality (x ^ 2 + 2x-2) / (3 + 2x-x ^ 2)

My x3
X belongs to (- 1,2), x > 3
3: X-1 / X is less than or equal to 0
(x ^ 2-1) / X is less than or equal to 0
X (x + 1) (x-1) is less than or equal to 0 and X is not equal to 0
X is less than or equal to - 1, X is less than or equal to 1 and greater than 0

When a and B start from AB, the speed ratio of a and B is 5:4. After meeting, a speeds up by 20% and B decelerates by 25% and continues to move towards each other's starting place. In this way, when a arrives at B, B is 60 kilometers away from the midpoint of ab, and the distance between a and B is calculated

The whole journey is unit 1. When meeting, a drives 5 / 9, B drives 4 / 9, a speeds up 20%, B decelerates 25%; their speed ratio becomes: [5 × (1 + 20%)]: [4 × (1-25%)] = 2:1, that is, B's speed is 1 / 2 of a's speed, after a drives 4 / 9, B drives 4 / 9 × 1 / 2 = 2 / 9, B drives 4 / 9 + 2 / 9 = 6 / 9; distance midpoint: 6 / 9-1 / 2 = 1.5 / 9, then the whole journey: 60 ÷ (1.5 / 9) = 360 km

Mathematical problems on inequality
Let the inequality x ^ 2-2ax + A + 2 ≤ 0 hold for X ∈ [1,4], and find the value range of real number a

It is known that the curve is a parabola and the opening is upward
X = a is its axis of symmetry
When a = 3, it doesn't hold