2 (2 √ 3-3 √ 2) - (√ 2-2 & # 179;) - √ (- 2) &# 178; - &# 179; √ 64 to find the detailed process

2 (2 √ 3-3 √ 2) - (√ 2-2 & # 179;) - √ (- 2) &# 178; - &# 179; √ 64 to find the detailed process

4 radical 3-6 radical 2-radical 2 + 8-2-4 = 2 + 4 radical 3-7 radical 2

How to calculate the score easily?
Calculation: (1-1 / 2) x (1-1 / 3) X(1-1/2013)
Please master standing in the sixth grade angle for me to answer

Original formula = 1 / 2 × 2 / 3 × 3 / 4 ×. × 2011 / 2012 × 2012 / 2013

There is only one common point between the straight line L passing through P (O, 1) and the square / 3 = 1 of the hyperbola X-Y. the equation of the straight line L is obtained

Let the linear l equation be y = KX + 1, and substitute it into hyperbolic equation to get: x ^ 2 - (KX + 1) ^ 2 = 1, that is: (3-K ^ 2) x ^ 2-2kx-4 = 0, and there is only one common point. ① 3-K ^ 2 = 0, k = ± √ 3, and there is only one intersection point. Y = ± √ 3x + 1. ② when △ = 4K ^ 2 + 16 (3-K ^ 2) = 0, that is k = ± 2, there is equal root, and y = ± 2x + 1

How much resistance can 140 3V LEDs connect to 220V?

The voltage range of 220 V is 310 V, and the total forward voltage drop of 140 3V LEDs is 420 V, so they can't work when connected together in 220 V power supply! 140 3V LEDs should be divided into two groups, 70 in each group, with forward voltage drop of 210 v. according to the calculation of 2 mA current, the current limiting resistance that needs to be connected in series can be estimated as R = (310 V-210 V) / 2

Fractional equation 2x ^ 2-6x / x ^ - 9-x + 3 / 3-x-2x + 6 / x ^ 2 + 6x + 9 = 9
Urgent!! There is a reward!!!

(2x ^ 2-6x) / (x ^ - 9) - (x + 3) / (3-x) - (2x + 6) / (x ^ 2 + 6x + 9) = 92x (x-3) / (x + 3) (x-3) + (x + 3) / (x-3) - 2 (x + 3) / (x + 3) &# 178; = 92x / (x + 3) + (x + 3) / (x-3) - 2 / (x + 3) = 9 multiply both sides by (x + 3) (x-3) 2x (x-3) + (x + 3) &# 178; - 2 (x-3) = 9 (X & # 178; - 6x +

How many kilowatts of electricity does an 800 Watt heater need in a day

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A5-a1 = 15, a4-a2 = 6, find A3
The premise is that in the equal ratio sequence an

Let an = a1qn
a1q4-a1=15 (1)
a1q3-a1q=6 (2)
Change (1) into A1 (Q2 + 1) (q2-1) = 15
The formula (2) is changed to a1q (q2-1) = 6
Then divide the above two equations to obtain a quadratic equation of one variable: 2q2-5q + 6 = 0
The solution is Q1 = 2, Q2 = 0.5
Because A5 > A1, Q > 1
So q = 2
So substituting (2) into the solution, A1 = 1
So A3 = 4

A classmate's home has three "220 V 40 W" electric lights and one "220 V 30 W" TV set, which works for 4 hours at the same time on Saturday night?

(1) If the rated voltage of the lamp is 220 V and the rated power is 40 W, then the resistance of each lamp is R1 = u2p1 = (220 V) 240 w = 1210 Ω, then the total resistance of his lamp is r = R13 = 1210 Ω 3 ≈ 403.3 Ω

The simple operation of (- 0.5) + 1 / 4 right of 3 + 2.75 + (- 1 / 3 right of 3) + (1 / 3 right of 5) + (- 2 / 3 right of 4)

(- 0.5) + 3 1 / 4 + 2.75 + (- 3 1 / 3) + (- 5 1 / 3) + (- 4 2 / 3)
=(- 0.5-3 1 / 3) + (3 1 / 4 + 2.75) + (- 3 1 / 3) + (- 5 1 / 3 1-4 2 / 3)
=-3 and 5 / 6 + 6-10
=-Seven and five sixths

There is a DC motor with a coil resistance of 5 ohm. If it is connected to a 220 V circuit, it can rotate. If the measured current passing through the coil is 10 A, what is the electric power consumed by the motor? What is the electric power lost on coil heating? What is the output power of the DC motor?

Power consumption: P = UI = 220 * 10 = 2200W
Heating power: P '= I ^ 2R = 10 × 10 × 5 = 500W
Output power: P '' = 2200w-500w = 1700W