Bobo has 6 cartoon books and 19 story books. How many times are story books? Answer in a minute

Bobo has 6 cartoon books and 19 story books. How many times are story books? Answer in a minute

19 out of 6 or 3 and 1 out of 6

The author of the old man and the sea is Hemingway, an American writer

The author of the old man and the sea is Hemingway, or the old man and the sea is written by Hemingway

The perimeter of △ ABC is 24cm, the length of three sides is ABC, and a + C = 2b2a-b = 2C is ABC

A = 10, B = 8, C = 6

The greatest common factor of the two numbers is 9, and the least common multiple is 243______ And______ .

9 = 3 × 3243 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3, these two numbers are 9 and 243, so the answer is: 9243

If K 1 = K 2, B 1 = B 2, then K 2 is a straight line____
If K1 = K2, B1 ≠ B2, then 2 is a straight line____
If K1 ≠ K2, 2 is a straight line____
If____ Then 2 lines are perpendicular to each other

1. Coincidence
2. Parallel
3. Intersection

4. Two overloaded functions are designed to find the remainder of the division of two integers and the remainder of the division of two real numbers. Two real numbers are defined as the remainder of the division of real numbers after rounding

class digital
int m_ num;
digital(int num=0)
this->m_ num=num;
int GetNum()
return m_ num;
digital operator + (digital x)
digital y;
y.m_ num=this->m_ num+x.m_ num;
return y;
digital operator * (digital x)
digital y;
y.m_ num=this->m_ num*x.m_ num;
return y;
digital operator / (digital x)
digital y;
y.m_ num=this->m_ num / x.m_ num;
return y;
digital operator - (digital x)
digital y;
y.m_ num = this->m_ num - x.m_ num;
return y;
void main()
digital a(3);
digital b(3);

For quadratic function y = AX2 + BX + C, if y is an integer when x takes any integer, then we call the image of the function an integral point parabola
Why is there no integral parabola whose absolute value of quadratic coefficient is less than 0.5?

It doesn't exist
To the contrary:
Suppose there is an integral parabola whose absolute value of quadratic coefficient is less than 1 / 2
And let y = ax ^ 2 + BX + C (| a)|

It is known that the n-th power of 3 and the m-th power of 11 can be divisible by 8. It is proved that the n-th power of 3 and the m-th power of 11 can also be divisible by 8

3 ^ (n + 3) + 11 ^ (M + 3) - 3 ^ N-11 ^ m = 3 ^ (n + 3) - 3 ^ n + 11 ^ (M + 3) - 11 ^ m = 3 ^ n * 24 + 2 * 3 ^ n + 1328 * 11 ^ m + 2 * 11 ^ m = 3 ^ n * 24 + 1328 * 11 ^ m + 2 * (3 ^ n + 11 ^ m) it can be seen that the first term can be divisible by 8, the second term can be, and the third term can be, so 3 ^ (n + 3) + 11 ^ (M + 3) - 3 ^ N-11 ^ m is a multiple of 8

It is known that the cubic function f (x) = X3 + ax2-6x + B, a and B are real numbers, f (0) = 1, and the slope of the tangent of the curve y = f (x) at the point (1, f (1)) is - 6. (1) find the analytic expression of the function f (x); (2) if f (x) ≤| 2m-1 | holds for any x ∈ (- 2, 2), find the value range of the real number M

(1)f'(x)=3x2+2ax-6  … (1) from the geometric meaning of derivative, f '(1) = - 6  a = - 32 & nbsp (2 points) ∵ f (0) = 1 ∵ B = 1 & nbsp; & nbsp (3) f (x) = x3-32x2-6x + 1 & nbsp; & nbsp (4 points) (2) f '(x) = 3x2-3x-6 = 3 (x + 1) (X-2) Let f' (x) = 0 get X1 = - 1, X2 = 2 (5) when x ∈ (- 2, - 1), f '(x) > 0, f (x) increases; when x ∈ (- 1,2), f' (x) < 0, f (x) decreases In the interval (- 2,2), the maximum value of function f (x) is f (- 1) = 92 (8 points) ∵ f (x) ≤| 2m-1 | for any x ∈ (- 2,2) constant | 2m-1 | ≥ 92 & nbsp; & nbsp (10 points) | 2m-1 ≥ 92 & nbsp; 2m-1 ≤ - 92 | m ≥ 114 or m ≤ - 74 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp (12 points)

