Which country has 96000 square kilometers of land?

Which country has 96000 square kilometers of land?

Do you want to ask 9600000 square kilometers?
In that case, our great motherland - China
If not, it would be Jordan
96100 square kilometers in Jordan
Hungary 93000 square kilometers
Portugal 92000 square kilometers
French Guiana 90000 square kilometers
If not
It's a country of 96 square kilometers
So Anguilla covers an area of 96 square kilometers
If it's 96000 square meters
I don't think so

For Coulomb's law
When the distance between the centers of two metal spheres with a point of radius R is 4R, the electrostatic force between them only depends on the amount of charge they carry
Why is this sentence wrong?

Coulomb's Law refers to the force between two static point charges in a vacuum
When two charges are too close, they can't be regarded as point charges, so Coulomb's law doesn't apply

September 1, 266 is Friday. What day is teacher's day? What day is national day? I know it's all Sunday

Teacher's Day is September 10, September 1 is Friday, 10-1 = 9, the remainder of 9 △ 7 is 2, so add 2 days on Friday to get Sunday. Similarly, the National Day is October 1, 30 days away from September 1, the remainder of 30 △ 7 is 2, so the National Day is also Sunday

What things in life are related to mathematics? I hope you can help me. I hope there are photos as examples

Computer - this thing in front of you

The rule of 91,82,77

So the difference between the former and the latter is 9

Proving inequality
A ^ n + B ^ n ≥ a ^ (n-1) B + B ^ (n-1) a, a and B are greater than 0, please write ideas and process, thank you very much!

To prove a ^ n + B ^ n ≥ a ^ (n-1) B + B ^ (n-1) a
It is proved that a ^ n + B ^ n-a ^ (n-1) B-B ^ (n-1) a ≥ 0
Left formula = a ^ (n-1) (a-b) - B ^ (n-1) (a-b)
1. If a > b, then a ^ (n-1) > b ^ (n-1) = > A ^ (n-1) - B ^ (n-1) > 0
Then [a ^ (n-1) - B ^ (n-1)] (a-b) > 0
2. If a

The multiple of 13 is only 26, 39, 52 ()

This problem is wrong. There are countless multiples of 13

594037 = 5x () x 9x () x 4x () x 3x () x 7x ()

594037 = 5x (100000) x 9x (10000) x 4x (1000) x 3x (10) x 7x (1)
I hope I can help you~

Please fill the nine numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 36 into the nine squares so that the three numbers on the horizontal and vertical slashes are multiplied by 216

18 4 3
1 6 36
12 9 2

Given (X-Y) △ 4 = (2x + y) = 5 and 2x-3y = 18, find the value of 3x-5y
Is "(X-Y) △ 4 = (2x + y) △ 5"

Substituting ③
Wrong title