Compare 11 out of 27 with 7 out of 18

Compare 11 out of 27 with 7 out of 18

Compare 11 out of 27 with 7 out of 18
Because 22 / 54 is bigger than 21 / 54
So 11 / 27 is bigger than 7 / 18

A high school mathematics problem (about exponential function)
When x > 0, the image of exponential function y = (a ^ 2-3) ^ x is above the image of y = (2a) ^ x, then the value range of real number a is_______

According to the combination of problem setting and number form, a ^ 2-3 > 2A > 1, or a ^ 2-3 > 1 > 2A > 0, or 1 > A ^ 2-3 > 2A > 0. = = = = > a > 3

What are the rules of 7 * 9 = 63, 8 * 8 = 64, 11 * 13 = 143, 12 * 12 = 144, 24 * 26 = 624, 25 * 25 = 625?


The common factor of each term in the polynomial 4x2y3z-12x3y4 is______ .

The greatest common divisor of the coefficient is 4, and the lowest exponential power of the same letters is x2y3, so the common factor is 4x2y3, so the answer is 4x2y3

And 18 grams of water and how many grams of sulfuric acid contain the same mass of hydrogen
There should be a process

The relative molecular weight of H2O is 18
18G H2O, that is, 1mol H2O corresponds to 2mol h corresponds to 1mol H2SO4
The relative molecular weight of H2SO4 is 981mol H2SO4, that is 98g

If M = 2n, then M is of n () and N is of M(

If M = 2n, then M is (2 times) of N and N is (half) of M

1.08-0.9 + 0.92-0.1 by simple method

The addition and subtraction method has the law of exchange and the law of association
That's it!

43 and 1 / 5 times 1 / 6

43 and one in five times one in six
=(42 + 6 / 5) × 1 / 6
=42 × 1 / 6 + 6 × 1 / 5
=7 + 1 / 5
=7 and 1 / 5

2003 times 2004 / 2005
Is the winter vacation new space-time 64 page topic, if you can also write about it

= 2004-1 and 2003 / 2005
= 2002 and 2 / 2005

Read the following materials: try to judge the size of (A & # 178; - B & # 178; + 2) / 2 and (A & # 178; - 2b & # 178; + 1) / 3
Read the following materials: try to judge the size of a ^ 2-3a + 2. Analysis: to judge the size of two numbers, we often use the difference method, that is, if A-B > 0, then a > b; if A-B < 0, then a < B; if A-B = 0, then a = B
Because (a ^ 2-3a + 7) - (- 3A + 2) = a ^ 2-3a + 7 + 3a-2
Because a ^ 2 is greater than or equal to 0, the square of a + 5 is greater than 0
So a ^ 2-3a + 7 > - 3A + 2
By using this method: try to judge the size of (A & # 178; - B & # 178; + 2) / 2 and (A & # 178; - 2b & # 178; + 1) / 3

(a) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/ 6 > = 4 / 6 > 0, that is: (A & # 178; - B & # 178