Thank you for giving me a kick to answer the following questions

Thank you for giving me a kick to answer the following questions


Combined with your reading experience, talk about your views on reading (about 200 words)

Reading can make people feel the thoughts and feelings of the ancients. Although life is like flowing water, we can pass through time, sigh the vicissitudes of the times, and feel the glory of the prosperity of the country and the people. The ancients put their feelings in the pen and left us magnificent scenery with their pen and ink. We just need to restore them with our heart and present them in front of us, It's not just Anna dozy who enjoys the scenery. In fact, she is also questioning the hearts of the ancients, Qu Yuan's devotion to the country, Sima Qian's tolerance of humiliation, Tang Taizong's magnanimity, Ming Zhengde's absurdity and Yue Fei's loyalty Reading, let us understand the rise and fall of ancient China, let us feel the great beauty of Western love. Literature, to show the world the vision and pursuit, no one can refuse such a vision and pursuit. Enjoy the fun of reading, control the mind, to travel through time and space, feeling the nature, travel between China and the West, The book is a close friend of mine. I can grow up with it and enjoy every day's happiness. I can't do without the book every day. It is a part of my life. With the pace of the book, I walk through thousands of mountains and rivers and into a new corner of the world. Reading is the result of the accumulation of sentiment. Let reading become a habit, It's an old and brand-new topic. For thousands of years, different people have different opinions on what to read and how to read. The ancients often said: "to set up a purpose for learning", "to open a book is beneficial", "to learn is valuable", "to apply learning" Why use the same time and read the same things, but the harvest is different? An important reason is that you don't use your heart to understand. Reading is like collecting pollen, while writing is brewing honey. After collecting pollen from thousands of families, you can form your own thoughts, turn it into your own words, and produce articles with the same style as yourself. This is the sweetest thing, Go your own way and accomplish nothing in the end. Now when reading, you have your own thoughts and can express your thoughts clearly. This is the highest level of reading, You can appreciate the ancient culture; see the collision of human progress and backwardness; imagine the reincarnation of human life for thousands of years; touch the golden age of floating light and shadow. Progress and backwardness are distinct; life ideals are like a rainbow across; career struggle is like vermilion; joy and sorrow are like flowing water, and human feelings and sophistication are like waves, The book will tell you what is true, good and beautiful, what is false, evil and ugly, what is angel and flower, what is devil and poisonous grass. The book will also tell you that reading is reading life, reading life, reading happiness. Reading is caring for life, The book is a ray of sunshine, it can melt the ice between the heart, the book is a spring breeze, it can eliminate your inner dryness, the book is a candle, it can make the dark heart clear, the book is a kind of nutrition, it can make your spirit strong, the book is a pot of green tea, Let's have a long memory I've never been to Lushan, but I feel the magnificence of Lushan waterfall from Li Bai's "flying down 3000 feet, I suspect the Milky way falls nine days". I've never been to Taishan, but I feel the magnificence of Taishan from Du Fu's "going to the top of the mountain, looking at all the small mountains". I've never been to Yunnan, but I feel the charm of Huixi town from Shen Congwen's "border town", Reading lights up the road ahead; book is a bridge, reading connects each other's shore; book is a sail, reading promotes the boat of life. Reading is an art of life, because reading makes life more wonderful!

Write a piece of news recently read in the newspaper, and talk about your opinion, about 100 words

On July 1, the Ministry of education, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Civilization Office of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of human resources and social security, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the all China Women's Federation jointly issued the opinions on strengthening and improving the ideological and moral education of students in secondary vocational schools

Finding the number of free variables in linear algebra
1 -3 5 -2 1
-2 1-3 1 -4
-The number of 1-7 9 - 4-5 [AX = 0] free unknowns

5-rank (a) = 5-2 = 3

(5x-2) square = 3 (5x-2)


Given the complete set u = R, set a = {x | x ≤ A-1}, set B = {x | x > a + 2}, set C = {x | x < 0 or X ≥ 4}. If ∁ U (a ∪ b) ⊆ C, find the value range of real number a

Obviously, A-1 < a + 2, u (a ∪ b) = (A-1, a + 2) 2 is to make ∁ U (a ∪ b) ⊆ C hold, a + 2 < 0, a < - 2 In conclusion, a ∈ (- ∞, - 2) ∪ [5, + ∞) 6 points

Given the cubic power of the algebraic formula MX + NX + 3, when x + 3 is, its value is - 7, then when x = - 3 is, what is its value

When x + 3 is, is it when x = 3
If so, then
Let f (x) = MX ^ 3 + NX + 3
Substituting x = 3 and x = - 3 into
Then f (3) = 27m + 3N + 3 = - 7______ (1) Formula
f(-3)=-27m-3n+3________ (2) Formula
From formula (1), we get: 27m + 3N = - 10, multiply both sides by - 1
The results show that: - 27m-3n = 10________ (3) Formula
Replace (3) with (2)
The results show that f (- 3) = 10 + 3 = 13
That is, when x = - 3, its value is 13

Given that f (x) = (AX + b) \ (the square of X + 1) is an odd function defined on (- 1,1), and f (1,2) = - 2,5, the inequality f (t-1) + F (T) is solved

F (x) = (AX + b) / (X & # 178; + 1), an odd function defined on (- 1,1)
f(x) + f(-x) = 0
(ax+b) / (x²+1) + (-ax+b) / (x²+1) = 0
The solution is b = 0, f (x) = ax / (X & # 178; + 1)

Given the equation AX ^ 2 = B ^ 2Y + C, and ABC belongs to {- 3. -} and each is not equal, how many ABC can make the equation a parabolic equation

If the equation is a parabola, the coefficients of Y and X cannot be zero
The number that ABC can take is 5 * 4 * 4 = 80

/////What does 5 (10) a on the meter mean
According to the book:
\\\\\\The calibration current is 5a, which can be exceeded in a short time, but not more than 10A\\\\\\
The answer to one question says:
////////The rated current of this watt hour meter is 5A///////
Others say it is:
////////The calibration current is 5A and the rated current is 10A///////
to the end.
It's on the Internet
The rated current is the instantaneous maximum current of electrical appliances

According to the book:
\\\\\\The calibration current is 5a, which can be exceeded in a short time, but not more than 10A
The answer to one question says:
////////The rated current of this watt hour meter is 5A
Others say it is:
////////Calibration current is 5a, rated current is 10A. / / / / this is wrong
Calibration current and rated current are the same thing