60 word English composition The best topic is to protect the environment, my dream (that is, what I want to be when I grow up, why), my favorite teacher About my summer vacation can also, to grade two, the topic does not have to these, casually

60 word English composition The best topic is to protect the environment, my dream (that is, what I want to be when I grow up, why), my favorite teacher About my summer vacation can also, to grade two, the topic does not have to these, casually

Protect the environment good environment can make people feel happy and fit. To improve the environment

An analysis of 60 words in English composition
I love to work for my class
Why do you love to work for your class?
What do you usually du for your class? Show us an example
How du you feel after you have done something foryour class?(Or What do you get from doing things for your class)
60-80 words, no name and other information

I Love to Work for My Class
As a member of our class,i hoped that our class will be a good team with good image and team spirit.So ,i do love to work for my class.I usually clean my classroom after school.Also i help my classmates with their studies.Whenever i got the gratitude from my classmates or class teacher, i feel proud of myself.Seeing my class is selected by our principal as the best class in the school,i again realize the importance of making contribution to our class.
I hope the above essay will help you

If x = 3 is a root of the equation x & # 178; + KX = 0, try to find the value of the constant K


Using the method of addition, subtraction and elimination to solve the equations 2x-4y = 7 3x + 2Y = 3 can be transformed into solving the linear equation with one variable. If y is eliminated, the linear equation with X is ()


If we know that A5 = 4, a7 = 6, we can find A9 and A3?


1.8 liters = () cubic centimeter 3 and 20 parts of 17 square meters = () square meters () square decimeters 2 hours 40 minutes = () hours () minutes
The 3 meter long wood block is cut into 5 sections, each section is equal to several parts of the total length, and each section is () meters long
A pile of coal, carried away two fifths, the rest is carried away a few fractions
The perimeter of a right triangle is 36 cm, the length ratio of the three sides is 5:4:3, and the area of the triangle is () square cm

1.8 liter = (1800) cubic centimeter 3 and 20 parts of 17 square meters = (3) square meter (85) square decimeter 2 hours 40 minutes = (2) hours 40 minutes (40 minutes) cut the 3 meters long wood block into 5 sections, each section is equivalent to 1 / 5 of the total length, each section is (0.6) meters long

An automobile transportation company plans to ship three kinds of fruits to other places for sale
It is known that the total weight of a fruit is 1 ton less than that of B fruit, and the total weight of B fruit is 1 ton less than that of C fruit
A, B and C
Tonnage per vehicle
Profit per ton of vegetables
(1) There are x tons of type a fruits. Please use X to express the total weight and profit of these three fruits
(2) It is known that the weight of these three kinds of fruits are all integers. Please design a scheme to save vehicles as much as possible so that the fruits can be transported exactly
According to the information in the question, please design a plan to save vehicles as much as possible

The total weight is x + X + 1 + (x + 2) / 2 = 2.5x + 1 ton, the total profit is 5x + 7 (x + 1) + 4 [(x + 2) / 2] = 14x + 11 (100 yuan)

How many tons of stones is one side equal to?

The density of the stone is 2G per cubic centimeter
One side = 1000000 cubic centimeters, you calculate
2000000g, that's 2 tons

*It's a multiplication sign. Solve the equation
The original question is that mom bought three bags of milk and two bottles of fruit juice, which cost 14.4 yuan. The price of each bottle of fruit juice is 1.5 times that of each bag of milk. How much is each bag of milk? (use equation solution)

Detailed steps have been listed for you

A cylinder with a radius of 5cm at the bottom is cut into an approximate cuboid. The surface area is increased by 100 square centimeters. How many cubic centimeters is the volume of the cylinder?
How many centimeters is the height?

After putting together an approximate cuboid, the surface area increases by two cuboids. The length and width of the rectangle are the bottom radius and height of the cylinder respectively. Therefore, use 100 / 2 = 50 square centimeter, that is, the area of a rectangle, and then use 50 / 5 = 10 centimeter, that is, the height of the cylinder. Then use the volume calculation formula of the circular cylinder to calculate the volume: 3.14 * 5 * 5 * 10 = 785 cubic centimeter