What book does Zhang Taiyan mean by primary school? Mr. Zhang said that if you want to understand Sinology, you must "pass primary school"!

What book does Zhang Taiyan mean by primary school? Mr. Zhang said that if you want to understand Sinology, you must "pass primary school"!

Primary school has two meanings: one is the stage of basic education, which is mainly based on reading and literacy, and the corresponding school, which is called "primary school". The other is the philology of Sinology. The explanation of "primary school" in Chinese English dictionary is an elementary school, usually of six years; a primary school philology
That's basically it

The school received books from many publishers
The school has received many books from the publishing house

The school has received books from many publishers

Do you sell books specially for correcting sick sentences

Party A and Party B complete 56 parts and 45 parts respectively. Party A does 5 parts and Party B does 4 parts. Party B takes 1 minute more than Party A to complete the task. How many minutes does Party A and Party B take to complete the task?

Suppose a makes 5x parts per minute and B makes 4x parts per minute
0.05 / x = 1 leads to x = 0.05
Therefore, a makes 5x = 0.25 parts per minute, and B makes 4x = 0.2 parts per minute
It takes 56 / 0.25 = 224 minutes for a to complete the task and 45 / 0.2 = 225 minutes for B to complete the task

1. The electric locomotive and the maglev train start from two places 298km apart at the same time. The speed of the maglev train is 20 km / h faster than that of the electric locomotive. Half an hour later, the two cars meet. What are the speeds of the two cars?
2. A plane flies between the two cities with a wind speed of 24 km / h. It takes 2 hours and 50 minutes to fly along the wind and 3 hours to fly against the wind. Calculate the speed of the plane and the distance between the two cities when there is no wind
3. One person bought two kinds of cloth with 540 rubles, which can't exceed 138 Russian feet. Among them, blue cloth is 3 rubles per Russian foot, black cloth is 5 rubles per Russian foot. How many Russian feet have they bought for each of the two kinds of cloth?
And we must use the equation to solve it!
If I feel less, I will add more!

1. Set the speed of electric vehicle as X km / h
x= 96
5x+20= 500
2 hours 50 minutes = 17 / 6 hours
Let's assume that the speed X of the aircraft is zero,
X = 840 km / h
Distance between the two cities: (840-24) × 3 = 2448 km
3. She bought x Russian feet for blue cloth
Blue fabric bought 75 Russian feet, black fabric bought 138-75 = 63

There is a difference of 24 tons in the amount of grain stored in warehouse A and warehouse B. If one fifth of the grain stored in warehouse A is transported out and one fourth of the grain stored in warehouse B is transported out, the amount of grain stored in the two warehouses is equal. How many tons are the original grain stored in warehouse A and warehouse B

Let a be a and B be B
4/5 a= 3/4 b a-b=±24

To solve the equation: the - X of 9 minus 2 times 3 minus 1 x = 27

2 ^ 3
So your equation is this?
3 ^ (- x) = 9 or 3 ^ (- x) = - 3 (no solution)
Then: x = - 2

If A-B = 10, then 10-A + B=____


It is known that the sum of the first n terms of the positive term arithmetic number {an} is SN. If S3 = 12, and 2A1, A2, A3 + 1 form an equal proportion sequence, the sum of the first n terms of BN = an / 3 ^ n is TN, and t is obtained

S3 = a1 + A2 + a3 = a1 + A1 + D + A1 + 2D = 3 (a1 + D) = 12a1 + D = 4 = A2 (A2) ^ 2 = 2A1 * (A3 + 1) 16 = 2A1 * (a1 + 2D + 1) a1 + D = 4. The solution of the joint equation is A1 = 8 (rounding off) A1 = 1 d = 3bn-b (n-1) = an / (3 ^ n) - A (n-1) / 3 ^ (n-1) = an / (3 ^ n) - 3A (n-1) / (3 ^ n) = [an-3a (n-1)] / (3 ^ n) = [an-a (...)

Simple calculation of 72 × 26 + 36 × 48
