Unit 5 Section B 3a in Grade 8

Unit 5 Section B 3a in Grade 8

3a Read the article and complete the chart.If I become an athlete,will I be happy?For many young people,becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.If you become a professional athlete...

English translation
It must be fast

Do you remember what you were doing at that time? People can always recall what they were doing when a major event happened in history. For example, many contemporaries in the United States can clearly recall what they were doing on April 4, 1968

Unit 3 reading translation urgent!

Do you remember what you were doing?
People often remember what they were doing when they heard about major events in history. In the United States, for example, many people remember what they were doing on April 4, 1968, which is one of the most important events in modern American history. On this day, Martin Luther King was killed in Memphis City, although some people don't remember who murdered him, But they all remember what they were doing when they heard the news
Even the most common things seem to matter. Robert Allen is now nearly 40 years old. He was only a student at that time, but he remembers what he was doing when he heard the news. He recalled: "it was a bright and sunny day!" we were having a good time on the playground when the bell rang, Our teacher told us to stop what we were doing and listen to him. He told us the news. Martin Luther King died 10 minutes ago! "We can't believe it!" the school closed that day, and Robert and his friends went home in silence
Martin Luther King's murder happened more than 30 years ago, before many Americans were born. However, recently, most Americans remember what they did when the world trade center in New York was destroyed by terrorists. Even that date - September 11, 2001 - has a deep meaning for most Americans
Of course, not all major events in history are as bad as this. Many Americans remember what they did when man first set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969, Most Chinese remember what Yang Liwei did when he became China's first man in space. Yang Liwei was in space on October 15, 2003. His voyage around the Earth lasted 22 hours. When he returned, he became a Chinese national hero and became famous all over the world. "

4X ^ 2n-3x ^ 2 after extracting the common factor X ^ 2, what is the other factor


Can we find evidence to prove the alcohol content from the phenomenon in the use of alcohol hotpot
What are the phenomena and reasons

As soon as alcohol burns, it gives off heat. After a period of time, the flame gradually weakens to extinction, leaving a small amount of liquid, which indicates that alcohol is made up of water and ethanol

Calculate ① (a-2b + 3C) &# 178;, ② (a + b) &# 178; (a-b) &# 178; - (a-b) (a + b) (A & # 178; + B & # 178;)


The number in brackets is fraction

(59/79) ÷(1/77)
=59×77 / 79
=59×(79-2) / 79
=59×79 / 79 + 59×2 / 79
=59 + 118 / 79
=60 and 59 / 79

Simple arithmetic of 72 times 125 times 3


1 and 2 / 9 times 5 / 7 minus (- 5 / 7) times 5 and 1 / 9 + (- 13 and 1 / 3) divided by 7 / 5,

1 and 2 / 9 × 5 / 7 - (- 5 / 7) × 5 and 1 / 9 + (- 13 and 1 / 3) △ 7 / 5

A = a + 2, C = the square of a + 5A -- 19, where a is greater than 2, which is bigger?

Use the difference method
Therefore, when 2