Primary school sixth grade second volume Chinese exercise book the biggest wheat ear development exercise

Primary school sixth grade second volume Chinese exercise book the biggest wheat ear development exercise

1、 Although. But. Even. So. 2. If. Then. Even. Only. Only.. 3. On the road of life, there are many people who miss good opportunities, but when they wake up, it's too late. So opportunities are always around. We should learn to seize the opportunities in front of us. Only in this way can we really

Primary school sixth grade Chinese exercise book unit 2 answers

Unit 2 self test
1: In vain to cry out and destroy the promise of innocence and kindness
2: If the beacon is sharp and the promise is bad
3: 1. Work hard in the day and work hard in the night
2. Harvest ten thousand seeds in autumn
3. Death is also guixiong's refusal to cross Jiangdong
4: 1. No matter what
2. Only talent
3. As long as
4. No, it is
5. The reason is that
5: 1. Be energetic and eager to try
2. Make concerted efforts
3. Overjoyed and overjoyed
6: 1. Intimacy (kindness) (coldness) restraint (restraint) (generosity)
Kindness (kindness) (ferocity) panic (panic) (calmness)
2. General Nie takes good care of the two orphans
3. Take care of your little sister, talk with her, feed her with pears, and care for general Nie's care for her
How the two orphans were sent to the headquarters. General Nie's concern for the children
4. Be in a hurry, be careful and kind
7: 1. He is famous for his strong and good deeds
2. The tall boy beat a freshman head to head and left with cold eyes. He looked at each other and laughed. He couldn't help shouting. Great poet Byron
3. "No matter how many times you have to fight, let me bear half of the fist for him!" if you can't resist for others, share it for others. This is the courage and justice of Robert bill and Byron
I don't agree, because it seems too spineless. If it is me, I will ask the headmaster or teacher to deal with it
Take mine. It must be right

The young pioneers brigade of Wuhan Primary School is going to hold a meeting of squadron leaders after the second class on June 26 (Wednesday) afternoon in the lecture hall on the sixth floor of the school to arrange the final work. Please give me a notice in the name of the young pioneers brigade.

Dear students
Hello everyone. It is decided by the young pioneers brigade that a meeting of squadron leaders will be held after the second class on June 26 (Wednesday) afternoon. The meeting will be held in the lecture hall on the sixth floor of the school. The main content is to arrange the final work. Please attend the meeting on time and do not be absent
Young pioneers Brigade

Who has the answer to the last question of the passage in unit 2 of the sixth grade Chinese exercise book

Wrote the author's rich imagination and childlike innocence

Is there any difference between the great God of Mathematics (X & # 178;) ^ (3 / 2) and X & # 179?
For (X & # 178;) ^ (3 / 2) and X & # 179; respectively, why are the results different?

If we consider real numbers, the former is square, so the values are all positive, while the latter has negative. Integral is the area of the graph composed of curve and abscissa. The former only has integral above abscissa, so the integral is positive, while the latter has positive and negative, so the integral is zero

The known parabola y = 4x square-11x-3 and the x-axis Y-axis focus coordinates

When x = 0, y = - 3, so the coordinates of its intersection with the Y axis are (0, - 3)
When y = 0
x=-1/4 x=3
So the coordinates of its intersection with the X axis are (- 1 / 4,0) and (3,0)

Let a (a + 2,3-2a) shift point a three units to the right and then down
Translate 2 units to get point a ', where point a' is on the straight line x = - 2, and calculate the coordinates of point a

If a moves 3 units to the right, then x = a + 5 = - 2 is added to the abscissa, and a = - 7 is obtained. If a moves down by 2 units, y = 1-2a is subtracted from the ordinate, and y = 15 is obtained. Therefore, the coordinate of a is (- 5,17)

If f (x) SiNx is an odd function with period, then f (x) can be

If f (x) SiNx is an odd function with period π, then f (x) can be ()
A.sinx B.cosx C.sin2x D.cos2x
Choose B
∵ cosxsinx = (1 / 2) sin2x, is an odd function with period π,
None of the other three options will work

It is proved that the function is a decreasing function
It is proved that f (x) = x ^ 2 + 1 is a decreasing function on (- ∞, 0)~

Let X1 < x2 < 0
Therefore, f (x1) - f (x2) > 0
So, f (x) is a decreasing function on (- infinity, 0)

It is known that the sum of the intercept of the line 2x-3y + 6 = 0 on the X axis and the intercept on the Y axis

Let x = 0, y = 2; that is, the intercept of the line 2x-3y + 6 = 0 on the Y axis is 2,
Let y = 0, x = - 3, that is, the intercept of the line 2x-3y + 6 = 0 on the X axis is - 3,
So the sum of intercept is - 1