English unit 1 and unit 2 test paper One of them is English

English unit 1 and unit 2 test paper One of them is English

I sympathize with you very much. Let me tell you the best answer. Primary school Chinese Grade 6 Volume 2 mid-term test primary school class name___ Score__ Accumulate and use (30%). 1. Write words in pinyin

The body of a certain kind of pure water bucket is cylindrical, and its volume is 30 liters. Now there is some pure water in the bucket, and the height of the water when it is placed is 30 cm. When it is placed upside down, the height of the rest part is 6 cm. Q: how many liters of pure water are there in the bucket now?

It can be seen from the question that the height of water accounts for 5 / 6 of the height of the bucket, and the volume of the bucket is 30 liters, so the volume of water is 30 * 5 / 6 = 25 liters
A: there are now 25 liters of purified water in the bucket

Primary school grade 5 Volume 2 mathematics unit 3 test questions of PEP

Test paper of unit 3 in Volume 2 of Mathematics for Grade 5 of primary school published by people's Education Press
1、 Fill in the blanks. (20 points)
1. 873 ml = () l 790 cubic decimeter = () cubic meter
1.2m3 = () cm3 354ML = () cm3
2. The surfaces of a cuboid or cube are called its surface area
3. The volume that a container can hold is called its ()
4. Both a cuboid and a cube have () faces, () vertices and () edges
5. Fill in the appropriate company name (3 points)
The volume of the TV is about 50 (). The area of the nail is about 1 ()
A bottle of salad oil is about 4.2 () the volume of a pencil case is about 400 ()
The volume of a sugar is about 2 (), and an apple weighs 50 ()
6. The edge length of a cube increases three times, its surface area increases () times, and its volume increases () times
7. The volume of a cuboid tank is 200 liters. The bottom of the tank is a square with a side length of 50 cm. The height of the tank is () cm
8. A cube medicine box with 6 cm edge length, its surface area is (), its volume is ()
9. The ratio between two adjacent area units is ()
2、 Judgment questions (10 points)
1. In a cuboid, at most 8 edges are identical and 6 faces are identical
2. If the volumes of a cuboid and a cube are equal, then their surface areas are also equal
3. The surface area and volume of cube with 6 cm edge length are equal
4. The volume of a box must be larger than its volume
5. The larger the volume of an object, the more space it takes up
3、 Multiple choice questions (10 points)
1. A bag of milk is about 250 ()
A. Liter B, square centimeter C, cubic meter D, milliliter
2. After dividing a cube into two small cuboids, the surface area is ()
A. Unchanged B, bigger C, smaller
3. With a length of () cm of wire just around the growth of 6 cm, 5 cm wide, 2 cm high cuboid frame
A、26 B、117 C、52 D、60
4. When the edge length of a cube increases from 4.5 cm to 6 cm, the surface area increases ()
A、27cm2 B、94.5 cm2 C、216 cm2 D、124.875 cm2
5. A cube with an edge length of 1 m can be cut(
)There are two cubes with the length of 1 cm
A、100 B、1000 C、100000 D、1000000
4、 (1) calculate the surface area and volume of the graph (8 points for each question, 16 points in total)
(2) Complete the table below (10 points)
Length (CM)
Width (CM)
Height (CM)
Volume (cm3)
Surface area (cm2)
four hundred and eighty
three hundred
5、 Solving problems. (34 points)
1. On the campus of Rongxin primary school, there is a 9-meter-long square experimental field, with an average yield of 1.5 kg of potatoes per square meter. How many kg of potatoes are collected in this experimental field? (7 points)
2. The school needs to dig a rectangular sand pit, which is 4 meters long, 2 meters wide and 0.4 meters deep. How many cubic meters of yellow sand do you need to fill it? (5 points)
3. A cuboid oil barrel, 8 decimeters long, 2 decimeters wide and 6 decimeters high. If each liter of oil weighs 0.72 kg, how many kg of oil can it hold? (6 points)
4. In a 20 meters long, 8 meters wide and 1.5 meters deep cuboid reservoir, tile is a square with side length of 0.2 meters. How many tiles do you need? (8 points)
5. A rectangular iron box is 18 cm long, 15 cm wide and 12 cm high. How many square decimeters of iron sheet does it use to make it? (8 points)

How to calculate the side length of a right triangle
One right angle side is 140, and the acute angle is 24 degrees. Find another right angle side and write down the formula, that is, sin

The other right angle side = 140 * tan24

Two (homonym) fat (antonym) Zoo (plural) flower (plural)


A + B + C = 12, ABC is a positive integer, ABC can not form an obtuse triangle
By the way, a square + b square = AB times 2, a = B is also based on what

1. No
It can only be an acute triangle or a right triangle
Because under the existing conditions, there is no integer a, B, C
Make a ^ 2 + B ^ 2

Is used to followed by a verb or the past tense of a verb
He used to visit his mother once a week
Help me see if the tense is correct

Verb prototype
Used to do sth
He used to visit his mother once a week

What is the role of science and technology in social development?

First, science and technology is an important factor and force in promoting the development of modern productive forces. Marx clearly pointed out that the development of machine production requires the conscious application of natural science. "Productive forces also include science.", "Labor productivity develops with the continuous progress of science and technology." Marx's conclusion has been confirmed by the continuous development of social practice. The basic elements of productivity are the means of production, the object of labor and workers. The means of production is combined with certain science and technology; workers also master certain scientific and technological knowledge The rapid development of technology and its rapid transformation to the real productive forces have changed the workers, tools, objects and management level in the productive forces. The mastery of science and technology by workers has greatly improved people's ability to understand, transform and protect nature, and enhanced their productive and labor capacity, Science and technology has become the key and leading factor to promote the development of productive forces. Secondly, science and technology is the first factor in the development of modern productive forces and economic growth. In the past, the development of productive forces and economic growth mainly depended on the input of labor, capital and natural resources. With the advent of the era of knowledge economy in modern society, Science, technology and intellectual resources have increasingly become the decisive factors in the development of productive forces and economic growth. The development of productive forces and economic growth mainly rely on the power of science and technology. This is especially true in the practice of economic development in developed countries, The advancement of modern science and technology plays a leading role in the development of productive forces. The second technological revolution at the end of the 19th century was a turning point in the change of the relationship among science, technology and production. Before that, the relationship among production, science and technology mainly showed that the development of production promoted the progress of technology, and then promoted the development of science, The technological revolution of steam engine is mainly developed from the tradition of craftsman. On the basis of accumulated production experience, technological invention is explored, and then thermodynamic theory is summarized. Since the second technological revolution marked by the electric power technological revolution, the situation that this kind of production drives the development of science and technology has changed. Now it is science that promotes technological progress, Science and technology are more and more ahead of social production, opening up a new field of production development and guiding the direction of productivity development. For example, the establishment of electromagnetism theory is mainly to explore the electromagnetism theory through scientific experiments, and promote the revolution of electric power technology, In summing up the development trend of science and technology, Deng Xiaoping profoundly pointed out: "modern science opens up the way for the progress of production technology and determines its development direction, "A large number of historical facts have proved that once theoretical research obtains significant reality, it will bring tremendous progress to production and technology sooner or later." in the new situation, we fully understand that science and technology is the primary productive force. In fact, the assertion that science and technology are productive forces indicates the coming of the era of knowledge economy; Science and technology is not only the first productive force, but also the concentrated embodiment and main symbol of advanced productive forces. The important exposition of "science and technology" profoundly reveals the status and role of science and technology in economic and social development, and raises science and technology to the height of "advanced productive forces", It is the key for our party to consciously represent the requirements of the development of advanced social productive forces. Since the Second World Congress, science and technology have developed rapidly and on a large scale. Science and technology promote the development of production and social change. Science and technology are productive forces. This is the greatest and most noticeable social function of science and technology since the modern industrial revolution, Today, the development level of science and technology has become a major factor in a country's comprehensive national strength and an important indicator to measure whether a country is developed or not, All factors of production, including tools, technological methods, means of control, skills and intellectual level of workers, have undergone fundamental changes. The three factors of economic growth are increasing labor force, increasing investment and technological innovation. Technological innovation has become the most important factor, Two thirds come from technological progress. Science and technology fundamentally determines a country's economic strength. If a developing country wants to become an economically developed country, it must rely on scientific and technological progress, In history, science once played an important role in emancipating people's minds in opposing the rule of religious theology. Today, it is still necessary to vigorously popularize scientific and technological knowledge, scientific ideas and scientific methods among all citizens, carry out the education of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, and improve the scientific and cultural quality of the whole nation, Only by using science and technology to overcome superstition, ignorance and poverty, and promote the spiritual civilization of the whole society, can the cause be prosperous and the nation be strong and prosperous, Science and technology shoulder an important task. From a long-term point of view, it is one of the important functions of modern science and technology to strive to make the relationship between man and nature in the best state

You can't bring your books there.There is a teacher‘s desk in front of our classroom.
The complete one is missing/~

in front of -in the front of

As shown in the figure, △ ABC, ad is the middle line on the side of BC, e is the middle point of AD, and the extension line of be intersects AC at point F, proving that AF = 1 / 2FC

It is easy to prove that △ AEF ≌ △ DEG → AF = DG is easy to get: D