Nose: I want a 41 word explanation

Nose: I want a 41 word explanation

bí zǐ
The olfactory organ of human and higher animals is also a part of the respiratory organ. It is located in the head and has two holes. It is also a respiratory passage. It is composed of three parts: the external nose, the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses. The nasal cavity has internal odor receptors

What words can nose group

Rhinitis, nostril, nasal cavity, nose and sinusitis

According to the meaning of the word write smell group words hear () hear things () smell with nose () show fame

Hear (News)
What I heard (News)
To smell (a smell) with the nose
Xianda is famous (Wenda)

The circumference of a rectangle is 360 meters, and its length is four times of its width. How many meters are the length and width of the rectangle?

Suppose the width of a rectangle is x meters, then the length is 4x meters. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation: (x + 4x) × 2 = 360 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 10x = 360 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 3636 × 4 = 144 (meters) a: the length is 14

It is known that hyperbola y = K / X and parabola y = ax & # 178; + BX + C intersect at three points a (2.3), B (m.2) and C (- 3. N). 1. An analytic test for solving parabola

According to the meaning of the question, a, B, C are three points on the hyperbola y = K / x, we can calculate, k = 6, M = 3, n = - 2, bring the coordinates of a, B, C into the parabola analytic formula respectively, and get: 4A + 2B + C = 3 - (1) 9A + 3B + C = 2 - (2) 9a-3b + C = - 2 - (3) (1), (2), (3) calculate, a = - 1 / 3, B = 2 / 3, C = 3, then the analytic formula is

How many cubic meters is one? How many tons is one
Come on, I'll be in a hurry

One cubic equals one square
Cube is the unit of volume, ton is the unit of mass, these two need to be connected by density
There's no density. There's no connection between the two

A polynomial divided by a monomial
Simplification before evaluation
[(x = 2Y) (x-2y) - (x + 4Y) ^] / 4Y, where x = 5, y = 2
X + 2Y, not x = 2Y


Geometric meaning of surface integral

The double integral of a surface is a curved cylinder with a surface as the top and a surface projection on the coordinate plane as the bottom, while the triple integral needs to analyze the specific problems. If the product is a volume element, the result is that the surface is in a certain solid area I don't know if the answer is right. I forgot a lot about the concept,

The rate of advance between volume units is 1000______ (judge right or wrong)

From the analysis, we know that the rate of advance between volume units is 1000, which is wrong

The process of finding the square of (a-b + 2C)

The square of (a-b + 2C)