How to say healthy diet in English

How to say healthy diet in English

A healthy diet or healthy refrigerator a healthy eating habit

Unhealthy food and drink

Unhealthy food

Healthy food

Healthy food

It is known that the sum of the two equations (a + C) x & # 178; + 2bx - (C-A) = 0 is one and the difference between the two is one, where a, B and C are the three sides of △ ABC. (1) find the root of the equation; (2) try to judge the shape of △ ABC

1) From the meaning of the title,
The solution is X1 = 0, X2 = - 1
Substituting X1 into the equation: C-A = 0, that is, a = C
Substituting x2 into the equation: a + c-2b-c + a = 0, that is, a = B
So a = b = C
This is an equilateral triangle

In parallelogram ABCD, vector AB + bc-dc=

Vector AB + vector BC + vector DC = vector AC - vector DC = vector AC + vector CD = vector ad
Note the conversion, - DC = CD

(2x + 1) ^ 2 = - 3 (2x-1) solving quadratic equation with one variable by factorization
8 (3-x) ^ 2-72 = 0
(2x-1) ^ 2 + 3 (2x-1) + 2 = 2, unlimited method


It is proved that when n is an integer greater than 2, n5-5n3 + 4N can be divided by 120

It is proved that: ∵ n5-5n3 + 4N = (n-2) (n-1) n (n + 1) (n + 2).. for all positive integers n greater than 2, the number n5-5n3 + 4N contains a common divisor of 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 = 120. When n is an integer greater than 2, n5-5n3 + 4N can be divisible by 120

Let F 1 and F 2 be the two focal points of the ellipse, p be the intersection point of the circle with F 1F 2 as the diameter and the ellipse C, and Pf1: PF2 = 3:4, then calculate the eccentricity of the ellipse C

Let Pf1 = 6A / 7, PF2 = 8A / 7, circle Pf1 with diameter of F1F2 and vertical PF2
Eccentricity of ellipse C = C / a = 5 / 7

Fill in the brackets with the appropriate prime number. 32 = [] + [] 24 = [] + [] 72 = [] + [] 56 = [] + []

32=【29】+【3】 24=【17】+【7】 72=【67】+【5】 56=【53】+【3】

The function y = 1 / (xsquare + ax + b) (where a and B are non-zero constants) has the maximum value if
The relationship between delta of denominator and o

If y = 1 / (x square + ax + b) is the maximum, then the denominator x ^ 2 + ax + B is the minimum
The formula is x ^ 2 + ax + B = (x + A / 2) ^ 2 + B-A ^ 2 / 4. When x = - A / 2, take the minimum value B-A ^ 2 / 4
The relationship between denominator △ = a ^ 2-4b and 0 cannot be judged