How to write the composition of unit 4 in Volume 1 of grade 5? Tell me! O (∩)_ Thank you! 500 words

How to write the composition of unit 4 in Volume 1 of grade 5? Tell me! O (∩)_ Thank you! 500 words

This cartoon has only four frames, and the general content is like this. After school, Xiaoming and Xiaodou, a freshman, are walking home. When they pass by the garbage can, Xiaodou finds that the garbage can is full of peel and paper scraps, which is very unsanitary. Xiaodou can't help holding his nose and saying to Xiaoming, "it's really dirty! I don't know who is so immoral, just

Unit 7 of the fifth grade volume I of Jiangsu Education Press!

Before the exam, my mother said to me, "as long as you get 95 points in English, mathematics and English, I can take you to the supermarket to buy a big pass."

What is Veda's theorem

For a bivariate linear equation AX ^ 2 + BX + C = 0 with roots, Weida's theorem is X1 + x2 = - B / A, X1 * x2 = C / A

1/1024+1/512+1/256+…… +1/2+2+4+8+…… +512=
Cube of 1 + cube of 2 + cube of 3 + +Cube of 10=
It's easy for people with low IQ to understand
Northeast warwolf, you can't see your formula. Please make it clear
(n + 1) & sup2; should be 121. How can it be 101?

1 / 1024 + 1 / 512 + 1 / 256 +. + 1 / 2 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 +. + 1024 note that each denominator in front of it is twice the following one. If you add one more 1 / 1024, the fraction is equal to 1. That is: 1 / 1024 + 1 / 512 + 1 / 256 +. + 1 / 2 = 1-1 / 1024 = 1023 / 1024. If you add one more 1, the following integer is equal to 2 × 1024,1

Is the vowel of "love" in "nostalgia" true or false?

Yes, Lian

Hyperbola known point on the hyperbola, and two focus triangle area, angle
Given that point a is on the hyperbola 3x ^ 2-5 ^ 2 = 15, F1 and F2 are the focus of the curve, the area of triangle af1f2 is 2, and the size of angle f1af2 is calculated

It is reduced to the standard formula x ^ 2 / 5-y ^ 2 / 3 = 1
So a = √ 5, B = √ 3, C = 2 √ 2
Area of triangle af1f2 = 1 / 2 * 2C * height = 2 √ 2
So height = 1, that is, the ordinate of point a is y = | 1|
Substituting into the equation
The length of AF1 and af2 is calculated
Using cosine theorem to find out the size of angle f1af2

3 × (x + 4) = 12; 5 △ (x + 16.84) = 1 / 5 (one fifth); x-3 / 5x = 8 / 15; X △ 7 / 5 = 8 / 7; 3 / 4x + 1 / 2 = 7 / 12

3 × (x + 4) = 12x + 4 = 12 ﹣ 3x + 4 = 4x = 4-4x = 05 ﹣ x + 16.84 = 1 / 5 (one fifth) x + 16.84 = 5 × 5x + 16.84 = 25X = 25-16.84x = 8.16x-3 / 5x = 8 / 15, multiply by 15, get: 15x-9x = 86x = 8x = 8 / 6x = 4 / 3x ﹣ 7 / 5 = 8 / 7 × 7 / 5x = 8 / 53 / 4x + 1 / 2 = 7 / 12, multiply by 12, get: 9x + 6 =

The solutions of the equations 2x + 2y-x + y = 3; X + y-2x + 2Y = 1

If 2x + 2y-x + y = 3, then x + 3Y = 3
X + y-2x + 2Y = 1, then - x + 3Y = 1
① The solution is y = 2 / 3
Substituting ①, the solution is x = 1
So x = 1, y = 2 / 3

The surface equation of Z = x square and y = 0 rotating around Z axis is?

Z equals x ^ plus y ^ 2

Find 5 mixed fractional operations,

3. 5/6×3/5+4/7+3/7
4. (3/4-1/8)÷2
5. 128×(5/8-3/8)