Simple calculation of 125 × 125 × 8 × 2

Simple calculation of 125 × 125 × 8 × 2


It is proved that the equation (m2-8m + 17) x2 + 2mx + 1 = 0 is a quadratic equation with one variable no matter what the value of M is

It is proved that: m2-8m + 17 = (m2-8m + 16) - 16 + 17 = (M-4) 2 + 1, ∵ (M-4) 2 ≥ 0, ∵ (M-4) 2 + 1 ≠ 0, ∵ the equation (m2-8m + 17) x2 + 2mx + 1 = 0 with respect to X is a univariate quadratic equation no matter what real number m takes

It is known that the focus of the ellipse is F1 (0,3) and F2 (0,3), and the standard equation of the ellipse is obtained through the points (4,0), (1)

Because: F1 (0,3) and F2 (0,3), we can get C = 3, the square of C = 9, and because the ellipse passes through (4,0). Suppose: the standard equation of ellipse is: x2 Y2 --- + --- = 1 (a > b > 0) A2 B2, substituting (4,0) into the above equation, we can get 16 --- + 0 = 1, and deduce: the square of a = 16a2b = the square of a - the square of C = 16-9 = 7

A general term formula of sequence 1 / 2, - 4.9,3 / 8, - 8 / 25, '"

The formula is even and the denominator is square

How much is 35.2 divided by one eighth and 35.2 divided by seven eighths
There is a specific calculation process

How much is 35.2 divided by one eighth and 35.2 divided by seven eighths = 35.2 x 8 + 35.2 x 8 / 7 = 35.2 x (8 + 8 / 7) = 35.2 x 64 / 7 = 352 x 64 / 70 = 35 / 11264 13 / 7 times 42 / 5 divided by 51 = 13 / 7 x 5 / 42 x 1 / 51 = 14 994 / 65

The ratio of number a to number B is (): (). Number B is a fraction of number a, and number a is () times of number B

The ratio of number a to number B is (6): (5). Number B is 5 / 6 of number a, and number a is (6 / 5) of number B

I've read 12 pages a day for 4 days. I've just read half of them. I plan to read 4 more pages a day for the rest. How many more days can I finish?

12 × 4 ^ (12 + 4) = 48 ^ 16 = 3 (days) a: it will take another 3 days to finish

2.15-(5/6-1/12) 5/17-4/51+2/3
It's 2.15


Cut the 8-meter-long rope into 4 / 1-meter-long segments. You can cut it into several segments. Each segment is a fraction of the total length

Solution 8 △ 1 / 4 = 32 segments
Each segment is 1 / 4 of the total length △ 8 = 1 / 32

Given the function f (x) = 1 + 2 / x, find the value of F (1) * f (2) * f (3)... * f (100)

=(3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 102) / (1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 100) (approximately)