Half of the square metal block with a side length of 10 cm is placed on a plane with an area of 1 square meter. When the indication of the spring dynamometer is 10 N, the pressure is 4 times 10 cubic PA, and the density of the metal block is calculated G is 10N / kg, the answer is 5 * 10 ^ 3kg / m ^ 3

Half of the square metal block with a side length of 10 cm is placed on a plane with an area of 1 square meter. When the indication of the spring dynamometer is 10 N, the pressure is 4 times 10 cubic PA, and the density of the metal block is calculated G is 10N / kg, the answer is 5 * 10 ^ 3kg / m ^ 3

P pressure = (mg-10) / 0.1 ^ 2
P density = m / V

The side length of the square solid metal block is 10 cm, which is placed on the horizontal layout with an area of 240 cm ^ 2. The pressure of the metal block on the layout is 0
7.9 * 10 ^ 3PA, calculate the density of metal block, (g = 10N / kg)

The pressure of metal block on layout f = PS = 7.9 * 10 ^ 3PA * (0.1 * 0.1) m ^ 2 = 79 n;
Since it is a horizontal plane, f = g = 79 n, then M = g / g = 7.9 kg;
So: ρ = m / v = 7.9 kg / (0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1) m ^ 3 = 7.9 * 10 ^ 3 kg / m ^ 3 = 7.9 g / cm ^ 3
A: the density of the metal block is 7.9 g / cm ^ 3

A half cup of water is put on the platform scale, the number of the platform scale is g '= 50N, and a square metal block with side length of a = 10cm is suspended by a spring dynamometer hanging on the support
Put half a cup of water on the platform scale, and the scale indication is g '= 50N. In addition, use the spring dynamometer hanging on the bracket to hang a square metal block with a side length of 10cm, and its density is 3 × 10? Kg / M?,
When the metal block under the spring dynamometer is smoothly immersed into the water depth B = 4cm, what are the indication numbers of the spring dynamometer and the platform scale? The water density is 10? Kg / M? G, take 10m / S? G?

Because the metal block is still, ft = G-F floats
And g = P * a ^ 3 * g = 30n, f floating = P water * g * V drainage = P water * g * a ^ 2 * b = 4N,
According to Newton's third law, the force of water on metal block and the force of metal block on water are 4N,
Ft = 30-4 = 26n, because the buoyancy of the platform scale increases by 4N, the indication number of the platform scale is 50 + 4 = 54n

When a cube with a side length of 10cm is immersed in water, the upper surface of the object is parallel to the water surface, and the depth from the water surface to the upper surface of the object is 5cm. (G is 10N / kg)
Find: (1) the magnitude and direction of the pressure on the surface of the object in water;
(2) In water, the magnitude and direction of the pressure on the lower surface of the object;
(3) The size and direction of the object in the water
Everybody help me think about it, my brain is very stupid to say--

(1) P pressure = P water GH = 500pa, f pressure = P Pressure * s area = 500 * 0.1 * 0.1 = 5N (the direction is perpendicular to the surface of the object downward)
(2) P pressure = P water GH = 1000 * 0.15 * 10 = 1500pa, f pressure = 1500 * 0.1 * 0.1 = 15N (the direction is perpendicular to the lower surface of the object upward)
(3) F floating = 15-5 = 10N vertical upward

The bottom area of the tank is 200 square centimeters. If a square iron block with an edge length of 8 cm is put into the water, the water surface will rise

In terms of volume, the original volume of water is 200 times 10 = 2000 cubic centimeters, and the cube volume of 8 centimeters is 8 times 8 times 8 = 512 cubic centimeters. That is to say, how much water surface can be raised by adding 512 cubic centimeters? Divide 512 by 200 = 2.56 cm, that is, 2.56 cm

The bottom area of the tank is 400 square centimeters. The length of an edge is 10 cm
How many centimeters will the surface of the water rise if the square iron block is put into the water

The volume of cube is 10 × 10 × 10 = 1000 cubic centimeter
1000 △ 400 = 2.5cm

A cylindrical tank contains 10 cm deep water. The bottom area of the tank is 300 square centimeters,
How many centimeters will the water rise?

Volume of iron block = 6 × 6 × 6 = 216 (cm3)
Water level rise = 216 △ 300 = 0.72 (CM)

6. A cylindrical tank is filled with 10 cm deep water, and the bottom area of the tank is 300 square centimeters,

You're not finished?
How many centimeters will the water in the sink rise
Think: Iron immersed in water, water will "squeeze" up. So the rising part of the volume of water = cube iron volume
6 * 6 * 6 = 216 (cubic centimeter) (this is the volume of iron and the volume of water rising)
216 / 300 = 0.72 (CM) (volume of cylindrical water divided by bottom area = height of water)

A cylindrical tank is filled with water 10 cm deep, and the bottom area of the tank is 225 square centimeters,
How many centimeters will the water rise?

The water surface will rise: 6 & # 179; △ 225 = 0.96 cm

What is the volume and surface area of a cube with 10 cm edge length and 3 cm depth after digging a square hole with 2 cm edge length and 3 cm depth in the center of each face?

2 * 4 * 3 * 6 = 144 surface area
10 * 10 * 10-2 * 2 * 3 * 6 = 928 volume