The line passing through a focal point of ellipse 2x & # 178; + Y & # 178; = 2 intersects the ellipse at two points P and Q to find the maximum area of △ poq?

The line passing through a focal point of ellipse 2x & # 178; + Y & # 178; = 2 intersects the ellipse at two points P and Q to find the maximum area of △ poq?

If we want to find the maximum area of triangle OAB, then 2x \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\=

Given the area of a square is 16x & # 178; + 24xy + 9y & # 178; (X & gt; 0, Y & gt; 0), then the perimeter of the square is__________ .

Given that the area of a square is 16x & # 178; + 24xy + 9y & # 178; (x > 0, Y > 0), then the perimeter of the square is___ 16x+12y_______ .
The side length of a square is 4x + 3Y
Perimeter = 4, side length = 16x + 12Y