The bottom area of a cube is 25 square decimeters, its surface area is (square decimeters), and its volume is () cubic meters

The bottom area of a cube is 25 square decimeters, its surface area is (square decimeters), and its volume is () cubic meters

Its surface area is (5 × 5 × 6 = 150 square decimeters) and its volume is (125) cubic meters

The surface area of a cube is 600 square decimeters. How many cubic meters is its volume?

If the area of one side is 600 / 6 = 100, then the edge length is 10; if the volume is the cube of edge length, then the volume is 10 & sup3; = 1000dm & sup3;

Use a piece of square paper with side length of 20 cm, cut and paste it into a cuboid carton without cover (regardless of loss and seam), if its volume is not enough
Use a piece of square paper with side length of 20 cm to cut and paste it into a cuboid carton without cover (regardless of the loss and seam). If its volume is greater than 550 square cm, please draw a sketch to indicate the main data (I think it's OK to draw or not)
(1) The carton factory you designed is () cm, style () cm and height () cm
(2) What cubic centimeter of volume do you calculate
It's a bonus

(1) The carton factory you designed is (15) cm, the width is (10) cm and the height is (5) cm

A rectangular box with a square bottom is a square with a side length of 12 cm after unfolding its side. How many cubic centimeters is the volume of this box?

Side length of bottom surface 12 △ 4 = 3cm
Volume 3x3x12 = 108 CC
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

A rectangular box with a square bottom can be assembled into a 12cm square by unfolding its four sides. What is the volume of the box
It's a cubic centimeter

From its four sides, it can be put together into a square with a side length of 12cm. We can see that its height is 12cm and its bottom is 3cm
So volume: 3 × 3 × 12 = 108 cubic centimeter

As shown in the figure, a long shape is exactly divided into six squares, two of which have the same side length. If the side length of the smallest square is 3cm, calculate the area of the rectangle

Let the largest of the six squares be xcm, the smallest of the six squares be 3cm, the other squares be (x-3) cm, (X-6) cm, (X-9) cm, (X-9) cm, x + x-3 = 2 (X-9) + X-6, x = 21, the length of the rectangle is x + x-3 = 39 (CM), and the width is X

As shown in the figure, a rectangle is just divided into six small squares
There is a rectangle as shown in the figure, which is exactly divided into six squares. The smallest square has an area of 1cm ^ 2. What is the area of this rectangle

As shown in the figure, a rectangle is divided into six squares. The smallest square area is 1
In this problem, we only know that the area of the smallest square is 1, that is, its side length is 1cm. Combined with the square condition, we can deduce the side length of other squares, such as "the side length of square e = the side length of square F", "the side length of Square D = the side length of square e + 1", etc
Suppose that the side length of square e is cm, then the original rectangle is cm in length and cm in width
To solve this equation, we have to
At that time,
A: the area of this rectangle is 143
Note: for problems related to geometric figures, it is necessary to observe and analyze the implied isometric relationship in the figures. At this time, it is necessary to consider the nature of geometric figures. In addition, the area and volume formula of geometric figures should be kept in mind

Use six small squares with side length of 2 cm to form a large rectangle. The circumference of the rectangle may be () cm or () cm
Key points

A small square has a side length of 2 (CM), and a large square has a length of 2 * 3 = 6 (CM) and a width of 2 * 2 = 4 (CM)
Perimeter = 2 * (6 + 4) = 20 (CM) or
The square is 2 * 6 = 12 (CM) long and 2cm wide
Perimeter = 2 * (12 + 2) = 28 (CM)

The circumference of a rectangle is 48 cm. How much is the circumference of a square made up of three identical rectangles

Three widths make one length, that is to say, put three layers to get a square directly. At this time, the length is three times of the width
Then 48 / 2 / 1 + 3 = 6cm wide
6 × 3 = the length of a 18 cm rectangle is also the side length of a square
18 × 4 = 72 cm

Use three squares with a circumference of 17 cm to make a rectangle, and find the circumference of the rectangle