Good words and sentences for playing basketball Use a series of verbs

Good words and sentences for playing basketball Use a series of verbs

One point, for example, "at the moment of throwing the basketball, the basketball draws a beautiful arc in the air," Shua! "Enters the net in response to the sound!"

There are at least 20 good words and 5 good sentences in the composition!

Good words campus schoolhouse classroom playground racetrack quiet noisy clean clean clean and tidy happy play sports ground track and field green quiet full of vitality full of vitality full of vitality spring garden full of sunshine people's voices full of books lively extraordinary weeping willow avenue you chase me

Ask for ten paragraphs of good words and sentences, each paragraph about 65 ~ 100 words, write from what article

1. Commitment is not a white cloud in the blue sky, carefree and elegant
Commitment is not a clear stream among the mountains, free and easy
Promise is like pearl, its lustre is the price of pain and glory
Commitment is like a sword, its sharpness is the crystallization of steel grinding, but also the pursuit of steel
2. Maternal love is a song of life: blame is the bass, care is the treble, care and missing is the main melody of maternal love
Affection is a part of life: family affection is the preface, friendship is the catalogue, and love, hate, love and imagination are the themes of love stories
Friendship is a song of life: sincerity is a word, trust is a song, understanding and respect are the main melody of friendship
Youth is a song of life: success is a word, struggle is a song, never slack is the main melody of youth
Knowledge is a boat in the ocean: culture, history, science and engineering are oars, emotion and wisdom are sails, teachers and students are children of knowledge
Network is a big meal of computer: website is main course, email is dessert, virus hacker is seasoning of network
Wave image is the road of life: wave crest is success, wave trough is frustration, and particle is the flash of wave image
Sea is a dictionary of water: spray is the radical, waves is the order, fish, shrimp and seagulls are the words of the sea
3. A feather, a feather, may be too common, but combined, it is the peacock's gorgeous color screen
A grain of sand, a grain of sand, may be too small, but piled up, it is the backbone of the mountain
4. The wind passes through the water, leaving sparkling ripples; the camel people pass through the desert, leaving deep footprints; the sentinel pigeons fly through the sky, leaving strings of joyous rhymes; the years pass through the woods, leaving rings. Ah, friends, what will we leave to the society when we walk through the stage of the times?
Flowers from spring, leaving wisps of fragrance; leaves from summer, leaving patches of shade; wind from autumn, leaving bursts of golden waves; snow from winter, leaving all kinds of hope. Ah, friends, what will we leave to life when we walk through the four seasons of life
5. Loftiness is not an illusory myth, it is an objective entity. As long as you observe carefully, you will find that loftiness is around you. It may be a high mountain, which makes you feel lofty; it may be a sea, which makes you feel magnificent; it may be a statue, which makes you feel solemn; it may be a person, which makes you understand greatness and purity, You will get rid of emptiness, stay away from vulgarity, and become a noble person
6. Love is not a false lie, it is a real emotion. As long as you feel it carefully, you will find that love is close to you: it may be an inch of toothpaste pushed by your mother to your toothbrush in the early morning, which makes you feel warm; it may be a helping hand from a stranger, which makes you feel warm; it may be a white hair left by the teacher in the exercise book, Let you feel love; it may be a smile, let you understand tolerance and appreciation. In life, if you have this kind of feeling, experience, feeling, understanding, being touched, infected, inspired, you will get rid of indifference, lift the closure, and become a loving person
7. If the night sky is the sea and the stars are the spray, the crescent moon is Ye Xiaozhou, carrying you and me to travel in space
If the earth's crust is a history book, and the rock strata are paintings and calligraphy, then a pile of fossils will lead us back to ancient times
8. Don't only love the warm sun, but also love the wind and rain, which purifies your soul; don't only accept the light, but also enjoy the night, which makes you see the stars; don't only welcome the joy, but also endure the sadness, which sublimates your soul
Don't just crave for a smooth journey, but try to be bumpy, which has tempered your will; don't only welcome praise, but also accept criticism, which makes you see the defects; don't only pray for gain, but also make contribution, which proves your value
If it is water, it will return to the sea; if it is white clouds, it will embrace the blue sky; if it has knowledge, it will return to the people
If you are a seed, you should rush out of the soil; if you are a flower, you should send out fragrance; if you are talented, you should serve the motherland
10. Life can engulf the boat of desire of the greedy, and also can drum up the sails of struggle
Setbacks can cut off the path of the weak, but also can set up the ladder of the brave
11. There is no sunset like beauty, no cloud like elegance, but there can be crystal like purity and transparency
Not as lofty as mountains, not as gentle as lakes, but as firm and steady as rocks
There is no sea like vastness, no waterfall like feixie, but there can be earth like simplicity and easygoing
22. Rain is like a chattering old man, spilling some colorful language into every corner of the mountain village
Rain is like a sentimental zither player, playing a string of dingdingdong notes, permeating every green leaf in the forest
Flute: intermittent notes, gently dripping on the leaves, grass, like some transparent pure spirit
Bell: Ding Ding Dangdang's bell, happy scattered in the classroom, playground, like some lively and light spirit
The value of life lies not in what you have accomplished, but in what you have done well. Therefore, when you see the dense forest, you only need to be an ordinary flower in the garden
15. In the evening, I had just had dinner, and my mother, who had been on business for many days, suddenly came back. As soon as I saw my mother, I was so happy that I fell into her arms. My mother held me tightly. I took advantage of the opportunity to kiss my mother on the face
16. I walk on the green grass, happily shuttle between my parents, smile and put up the camera, take an unforgettable lens for my parents ┄ the sky is blue, blue intoxicated; the cloud is white, white soft; the grass is green, green delicate; the flower is red, red hot ┄ never felt comfortable, make me drunk, happy, let it deeply into the green, red flowers, blue sky and white clouds ┄ Excerpt from Duan haoci Haoju HaoDuan Anthology

Find an article of 10 good words, good sentences, the main content, feeling heart language 100 words
Not too much

1. Gorky in childhood
Excerpts of good words:
All of a sudden, it's floating, full of interest and shining
Excerpt of good sentences:
On the blue surface of the Volga River, orange ships are going upstream, while golden leaves are drifting downstream
Good excerpt:
"Ah, you people "He often sighs like this, and he doesn't know what he is sighing about He always makes the ending of the song long
Red faced, he went to the middle of the kitchen and leaped like a flame: his hands were raised high, his feet were too fast to distinguish, his shirt was shaking and glowing like burning. He danced freely, as if he could dance all over the city by opening the door. Everyone was infected by him and trembled with him
My thoughts:
The author makes a good description of the dirty environment in which the protagonist lived at that time, and has great skill in language description, which makes the article vivid and immersive, and has a deeper understanding of beauty, ugliness and people's complex feelings