Explain the following words in the context: unavoidable: Gongsunyi was the Prime Minister of the state of Lu. He liked fish very much. During his tenure, many people bought fish to give him gifts, but gongsunyi never took them Teacher, don't you like fish very much? Gongsunyi's students smile at gongsunyi and ask why so many people don't accept the fish now Gongsun Yi said: "it's because I like fish that I don't accept other people's fish. If I accept other people's gifts, I have to act according to their opinions, which will inevitably violate the law and discipline of the country. An honest person should not do this. Just imagine, if I break the law, I will become a sinner, and I can't eat fish. Now I love to eat fish and buy it myself. Can't I always eat fish?" Please punctuate the second paragraph Please write down your understanding of what gongsunyi said I'll hand in my homework tomorrow

Explain the following words in the context: unavoidable: Gongsunyi was the Prime Minister of the state of Lu. He liked fish very much. During his tenure, many people bought fish to give him gifts, but gongsunyi never took them Teacher, don't you like fish very much? Gongsunyi's students smile at gongsunyi and ask why so many people don't accept the fish now Gongsun Yi said: "it's because I like fish that I don't accept other people's fish. If I accept other people's gifts, I have to act according to their opinions, which will inevitably violate the law and discipline of the country. An honest person should not do this. Just imagine, if I break the law, I will become a sinner, and I can't eat fish. Now I love to eat fish and buy it myself. Can't I always eat fish?" Please punctuate the second paragraph Please write down your understanding of what gongsunyi said I'll hand in my homework tomorrow

1. "Teacher, don't you like fish very much?" gongsunyi's students asked gongsunyi with a smile, "now there are so many people who give you fish, you don't accept it. Why?"
2. Inevitable: inevitable; always: forever

Explaining words with context

[Bopomofo]: Q ì ng x ì ng
(1) to be glad of something gratifying: he is very glad that he can win in the end. (2) to be thankful: your success is everyone's happiness
Choose one for yourself